Welcoming All Families Series: Welcoming People of Size & Promoting Optimal Birth Outcomes
By: Pam Vireday | 0 Comments
Continuing along in our occasional series on 'Welcoming All Families' to our childbirth classes, this two part guest post is written by Pam Vireday, creator of the Well-Rounded Mama blog. Today, Pam shares how to promote optimum outcomes at the births of plus sized parents. Click here to read the first post in the series, where Pam shared how to create childbirth education classes with people of size in mind. - Sharon Muza, S&S Community Manager
In part one of the series, we discussed how birth professionals can make people of size feel more welcome by creating a size-friendly space, by addressing special needs, by finding size-positive images and birth stories, and by addressing potential risks in a proactive, non-judgmental way. Today, in part two, let's discuss ways to promote optimal outcome in people of size.
Nutrition and Exercise
photo courtesy of Pamela Vireday
Many people of size find they feel better and have more stable blood sugar when they combine carbohydrates with protein instead of consuming carbohydrates by themselves. Modestly limiting carbohydrates at meals, eating smaller and more frequent meals, and using whole grains instead of refined carbs may also help promote euglycemia.
An even more powerful tool for optimizing blood sugar is exercise. Intensity of exercise is far less important than regularity of exercise, with daily exercise being optimal. Many people of size find walking, swimming, prenatal yoga, and water aerobics particularly friendly to larger bodies.
Nutrition Diaries
One of the most trying things for some fat people is the pregnancy nutrition diary. If used, these must be done with care.
After years of having every bite nit-picked, pregnancy food diaries can be very triggering for people with long histories of dieting or eating disorders. In addition, many providers don't believe people of size no matter what they say. As one mom shared, '[My midwife] refused to believe what I recorded. She flat-out accused me of lying, telling me that I 'must be living on ice cream and donuts.' This can be very disillusioning.
If you decide to use food diaries, question your assumptions about what fat people 'must' be eating. Some people eat normally and are still fat, while some thin people have terrible habits and yet are thin. Leave out assumptions, scolding, and lecturing, and find a way to neutrally help people analyze their own intake and gently adjust if needed.
Prenatal Weight Gain
Current weight gain recommendations from the Institute of Medicine are 11-20 lbs. for obese people, and 15-25 lbs. for overweight people. However, many care providers these days are strongly pressuring obese people to diet to restrict weight gain, or even to deliberately lose weight during pregnancy.
This is a dilemma for people of size, because research suggests that very low gain or gestational weight loss may actually increase the risk of small-for-gestational-age or premature babies. Some research suggests differing weight gain recommendations for differing classes of obesity, but studies on limiting weight gain have many design flaws, so providers must tread carefully to balance potential benefits and risks.
Another alternative is to take a Health At Every Size® approach. Good nutrition and regular exercise is promoted, but without the scale as a goal. The finger-wagging, shaming approach of most dietary intervention is absent, and although particular weight gain goal ranges can be encouraged, good nutrition is put ahead of rigid goals. Many women with a long history of dieting find a Health At Every Size® approach very freeing because it still emphasizes healthy behaviors, but without the scale as judge and jury.
Weight gain among people of size is extremely variable. A lot depends on the person's individual circumstances. Differing amounts can be normal as long as you are eating nutritiously.
As one big mom notes:
Talk about weight gain, but explain that every body is different. Some people gain lots and have healthy babies. Some people gain very little or even lose and have healthy babies. Don't focus on the scale, but on healthy eating and assure people their bodies will then do what they need to do.
Another mom agrees, saying, 'Providers can get across the point that excellent nutrition is key to a healthy pregnancy and birth without making mom stress over it.'
Finding a Size-Friendly Caregiver
Finding a size-friendly caregiver is critical to having a positive birth experience. Unfortunately, bias and mistreatment are not uncommon. Some of it is egregious mistreatment, while other examples show a more subtle bias. In particular, many well-meaning care providers overutilize interventions in the labors of people of size.
Research shows that obese people are induced at much higher rates, experience a higher rate of interventions, and that caregivers have a lower threshold for surgical intervention in their labors. Although it is commonly believed that obesity predisposes to a cesarean, recent research suggests that cesarean rates can vary dramatically within the same weight class, depending on how the labor is managed. This suggests that labor management and attitudes may be more of a factor in c-section rates than obesity itself.
High-BMI people need to ask careful questions about special protocols they may be pressured into (like early inductions for suspected macrosomia, early amniotomy, internal monitoring, or early epidurals) and how much wiggle room there is for working around these.
One plus-sized postpartum nurse states bluntly:
As far as labor, the best advice I could give another [plus-sized] mom is to STAY MOBILE!!!!! Staying in bed, getting an epidural too soon, not being able to change positions frequently [equals] dysfunctional labor and c-section.
Other tips for lowering an obese person's chances for a cesarean can be found here and here.
Like other people, people of size need information on patient rights, how to advocate for themselves, their right to decline procedures, and information on filing a complaint if needed. Knowing that they have the right to stand up for themselves and say 'no' is a new concept to far too many plus-sized people.
Pay Attention to Fetal Position
There is some research and anecdotal evidence that suggests that people of size have a higher rate of malpositioned babies, and that this may play a role in their increased cesarean rate. Talk with people about fetal position, discuss ways to promote optimal fetal positions, and mention the possibility of chiropractic adjustments for those who are interested.
Since some very heavy people have pendulous bellies which may make it harder for the baby to engage in the pelvis, include some information about the 'abdominal lift and tuck' exercise, as well as other positions that can help babies to engage during labor.
Birthing Positions for People of Size
Encourage people of size to experiment with finding useful laboring and birthing positions that work with their bodies. Remember that like all people, larger sized people will vary in how athletic and flexible they are. Explore each position without judgment.
Many people of size find the all-fours position or a forward-leaning kneeling position useful. If the person has an epidural, side-lying can be extremely helpful. Although 'soft tissue dystocia' is an unproven concept, if there is any question of pelvic capacity frequent position changes and asymmetric positions like lunging may be helpful. A birth ball (appropriate for height and weight) can also help relax the perineum, open the pelvis, and allow easier rotation among positions.
Many people of size report loving laboring in water. The buoyancy of the water allows position changes with greater ease, and eases pressure on the knees. The pain-relieving effect of water is another bonus, since epidurals can be harder to place in larger people.
Further information (and pictures) on birthing positions for people of size can be found here and here. Some care providers actively discourage mobility in people of size, so having a supportive caregiver is key. Practice multiple positions beforehand, emphasize the importance of frequent position changes, and promote having a labor support person who can help people utilize position changes more easily.
Although people of size are more at risk for certain complications, remember that people of all sizes can experience complications. All people benefit from the same basic advice for excellent nutrition, regular exercise, reasonable weight gain, choosing good providers, attention to fetal position, and use of flexible birthing positions. Emphasize proactive health behavior across the board.
What has been your experience in helping prepare people of size for birth? How have the people you might have had in your classes or practice found the experience of pregnancy and birth as a large sized person? Do you have suggestions to add about your observations and favorite resources? Please share with our community.- SM
Plus-Sized Resources
Finding Size-Friendly Care
General Size Acceptance and Health At Every Size'® Resources
Books on Health At Every Size®
- Bacon, Linda. Health at Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight. BenBella Books, 2010.
- Campos, Paul. The Obesity Myth: Why America's Obsession With Weight is Hazardous To Your Health, Gotham Books, 2004.
About Pamela Vireday
Painting by Mary
Cassatt, 1844-
1926. (public
domain) Image from
Pamela Vireday is a childbirth educator, writer, woman of size, and mother to four children. She has been collecting the stories of women of size and writing about childbirth research for 17 years. She writes at www.wellroundedmama.blogspot.com and www.plus-size-pregnancy.org.
Published: November 08, 2012
Childbirth educationMaternity CareLabor/BirthMaternal Infant CareMaternal SafetyEvidence Based TeachingRisks of Maternal ObesityMaternal ObesityGuest Postsbetter birth outcomesPamela ViredayObesity In PregnancyWelcoming All Families