Your Pregnancy Week by Week: 26 Weeks
Your Pregnancy Week by Week: 26 Weeks
Lamaze International
The following information -- and much more -- can also be found in the free weekly email Lamaze Pregnancy Week by Week. Sign up now to receive helpful information for your stage of pregnancy. Subscribers will be given the opportunity to complete a Lamaze Parent Satisfaction Survey after their pregnancy and receive a Lamaze Toys coupon. We want to hear about your birth experience and the impact that childbirth education may have had so that we can continue to make sure parents have the information they need for the safest, healthiest birth possible.
You're in week 26 of your pregnancy!
Sleep, the elusive pleasure that many a pregnant woman and new mothers yearn for. You likely feel more tired in the later weeks of pregnancy, and a lack of sleep may be to blame. The signals you're getting from your body are nature's way of preparing you for early motherhood. As you adjust to the increased demands on your energy, consider how the hours of your days (and nights) might change in the months and years ahead. This week, we'll explore the topic of sleep.
What's New with Baby
What's New with You
Story from a Mama who has been there
'I was amazed by the vivid dreams I had during my pregnancy. My dreams would play out like a movie on a screen, with full plots and everything. People I had not seen in years would make an appearance in my dreams from time to time. That intense level of dreaming is one feature of pregnancy I wish I could have held on to!'
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