The 5 Stages of New Motherhood
The 5 Stages of New Motherhood
Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA)
Happy Mother's Day! Enjoy our special tribute to newly minted moms. Can you relate to these five stages after birth?
A baby is born.
What follows next are the five stages of new motherhood after giving birth. Of course, mileage may vary.
5 Stages of New Motherhood
Stage 1: WHAT just happened?!
Varying degrees of oh my gosh it's over, to I just had a baby?!! and I actually just did that, whoa.
Stage 2: OMG this is the most magical thing ever and I am amazed and blissful and crying and in love!
Really, self explanatory. Think unicorns and fairy dust.
Stage 3: You need to stitch what??
Fairy dust gone. Reality hits (kind of) when you realize you are not, in fact, done.
Stage 4: I have never been this hungry in all of my life -- I will eat all the things!
The part when gazing at your new baby conflicts with feeding your face.
Stage 5: I'm feeling a little tired -- going to close my eyes just for a seco... *passes out, snoring*
It's a whole new kinda tired.