Links to Love for Cesarean Awareness Month
Links to Love for Cesarean Awareness Month
Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA)
16 Points to Consider for Your Cesarean Birth Plan (Attachment Parenting) - Helpful tips and strategies for a family-centered cesarean.
31 Days of Preparing for VBAC (Beautiful in His Time) - If you've ever wanted to read a detailed series on one person's journey to VBAC, this is it!
5 Exercises to Help with Your C-section Recovery (Healthline) - How you recover after a cesarean birth can affect your overall well-being and happiness. Make a commitment to your recovery by including daily strengthening and healing practices.
Caesarean Birth Recovery - 45 Tips for Healing (Ilena Standring) - Beyond exercises for healing, this comprehensive post looks at the whole package of healing, from support to food and hydration.
One in Three Is Too Many (DONA) - Cesarean support resources from the most well-known doula certifying organization.
13 C-section Birth Photos that Are Simply Beautiful (Baby Center)
Three Truths About C-Section Mamas (Cord) - If you want a raw and beautiful read, this is it.