Giving Birth with Confidence, Safe & Healthy Birth
Lamaze International Stands Against Inequality and Injustice
Cara Terreri
Lamaze International acknowledges, and is deeply saddened, by the recent events that so clearly reflect the deeply entrenched racism, social injustice, and inequities that plague communities of color. We believe that equality is a basic human right and we stand in support of respectful, equal and just treatment for all people of color.
As an international association dedicated to promoting safe and healthy birth practices for all women and babies, we have witnessed how systemic racism has negatively affected women and babies of color in our healthcare and education systems. Racial disparities prevent women of color from receiving quality care and necessary birth education. There is a direct correlation between racism and the disproportionate rates of maternal deaths among Black and Brown communities.
Diversity, inclusion, and outreach are priorities for Lamaze International. We endeavor to serve a diverse and vibrant membership. Our goal is to ensure equitable access to childbirth education as a means to achieve safe and healthy birth for all families. To that end, we are committed to strategies aimed at improving access to high quality care and evidence-based childbirth education. Racial injustice and violence have no place in the life of any family, and we will work to combat them at every opportunity.
What We’re Doing
Lamaze International and the Black Maternity Health Caucus will be co-hosting a virtual Congressional Briefing in late July on Evidence-Based Childbirth Education: A Critical Strategy to Improve Birth Outcomes and Reduce Maternal Health Disparities. We will provide more details in the coming weeks.
We will also be hosting a virtual Town Hall, which will serve as an open and safe space for healthy and constructive dialogue on how we can work to serve as allies to the Black community. Details will be announced soon.
Actions You Can Take
Just Listen
People who are used to being in the majority are used to being heard and listened to more than minority colleagues. Make time to listen to voices of Black and Brown people within your teams. Listen to the experience of marginalized communities to create learning opportunities and connection.
Create an Authentic and Kind Space
We must create space for each of us to share our perspectives in ways that do not cause more harm but move us closer to connection and action. Do be mindful that not everyone may be at a place to share – respect them.
Learn More
We encourage our community of parents and educators to take action in the following ways:
- Learn from Natalie Burke as she presents a free webinar titled From Intentions to Impact: When Being an “Ally“ Is Not Nearly Enough, which covers the importance of allyship to achieving birth equity and creating equitable, diverse, and inclusive work environments, and identifies next steps for action and individual development as allies for birth equity and equity, diversity, and inclusion. The webinar is free to all Lamaze members.
- Contact us at and share your ideas of what else Lamaze International can do to help the Black community.
- Meet with educators outside of your community, especially educators of color, to hear and learn from them.
Lamaze International is committed to doing our part to continue to address the serious challenges facing the Black community. We see you. We hear you. We stand with you.