Giving Birth with Confidence

Best of Birth Plans - 5 Links Worth Reading

Best of Birth Plans - 5 Links Worth Reading

Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA)

This month, we'll be sharing new and existing resources on the oft-talked-about, much loved and sometimes loathed birth plan. We'll address what a birth plan is -- and what it isn't, resources on different kinds of birth plans, and critical tips for communicating your birth plan (perhaps the most important piece of using a birth plan effectively!).

Thoughts on Birth Plans (Stand and Deliver) - Some of the best and most practical advice about writing a birth plan.

A Downloadable Visual Birth Plan (The Best Season of My Life) - Icons for your birth plan? Why not?! Makes for a quick, to-the-point, and easy-to-read visual in place of the lengthy, wordy birth plan. Free download.

A Birth Plan? Really? (Huffington Post) - One mom's top 5 reasons to have a birth plan. Some may surprise you!

Don't Just Hope for the Best - Plan for It: How to Write a Good Birth Plan (Giving Birth with Confidence) - So what kinds of things do you need to include on a good birth plan? Not that I'm biased, but I'm particularly fond of this resource. ;)

Jamie & Jeff's Birth Plan (McSweeney's) - Want a good laugh about all this birth planning? You'll enjoy this.