Giving Birth with Confidence

A Mother's Day Poem

A Mother's Day Poem

Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA)

If Time Was All There Was (And It Is)

A Mother's Day Poem

If time was all there was

And mothers kept the clocks,

There'd be less time spent running late

Over mismatched pairs of socks.

If time was all there was

And mothers had their way,

There'd be lots of time for sleeping in

And more than 24 hours in the day.

If time was all there was

And mothers had one wish, maybe two,

It might be for extra time alone

Or maybe, extra time with her crew.

If time was all there was

And mothers called the shots,

Stress and worry wouldn't exist--

No stomachs tied in knots.

If time was all there was

And mothers got what they wanted,

It's quite a simple request, really:

To love and be loved, and slightly less exhausted.

-Cara Terreri