The Lamaze Board of Directors, in carrying out its policy and program responsibilities effectively, must maintain strong and active interaction and communication with committees and other groups within the organization. Board liaisons are assigned to facilitate this commitment.
The objectives of the Board liaison position are:
- To improve communication between the Board and other groups within the organization, and facilitate advancement of strategic priorities identified in the Lamaze strategic plan.
- To facilitate the work of committees or other groups particularly when there is a need to report or to seek approval of recommendations from the Board.
- To enable early identification of issues or opportunities, and support effective discussion/action to resolve issues and advance success.
Liaison Assignments:
- The President makes all the liaison assignments for her or his term as President. Board members are assigned as liaisons to standing committees, special committees, task forces, and councils. Each Board member normally has one or two liaison assignments. It is customary for the President to ask Board members for their liaison preferences.
- Ordinarily, the Secretary/Treasurer serves as the liaison to the Finance Committee.
- Ordinarily, the President is the liaison to the Search Committee and the Conference Committee.
Liaison Responsibilities:
- Provide a channel for committee communication with the Board.
- During the budget planning process, provide input to the committee chair and staff liaison on the proposed activities contemplated for the coming year consistent with the Lamaze strategic priorities.
- Provide input on quarterly initiative tracking reports and report on committee activities at Board meetings.
- Review all proposed agenda items for the Board and obtain appropriate background information from committees prior to the Board meeting. Committee chairs should send all agenda items to the Executive Director and to the liaison at least six weeks before the scheduled Board meeting to allow ample time for review by the President, Board Liaison and Executive Director before the meeting.
- Present committee agenda items at Board meetings and lead the discussion. Report back to the committee promptly, generally within one-two weeks, via telephone or email regarding the discussion and any action taken by the Board.
- Be alert to potential problems, e.g., committee inactivity in execution of its goals or specific assignments from the Board, expenditures, etc. Notify the President and/or Executive Director as needed.
- Be sensitive to potential duplication of effort between committees and attempt to eliminate or minimize duplication by suggesting communication and/or coordination among relevant groups within the organization. If such communication occurs, the Board liaison(s) to the other groups should be notified.
- Join the committee's online forum if one is used for the committee [the liaison only fulfills a communications role].
- Participate in committee activities in an advisory capacity:
- The Board liaison should actively reach out to help the committee to be productive, keeping in mind that the liaison serves as a facilitator and is not intended to be a part of the committee or to participate in the committee's work.
- Monitor the committee's adherence to its charge and provide guidance as needed.
- Work with the committee to recommend changes to the committee charge to insure that it remains up-to-date and of value.
- Remind the committee chair to review the Lamaze policies, committee and volunteer resources and inform the Executive Director of any changes or corrections that are needed.
- Request the committee chair send copies of important correspondence, budget proposals, and reports for review.
Approved: April 2011
Governance: Board of Directors Agreement
As a member of the Board of Directors of Lamaze International (“Lamaze”), I understand that the Board is responsible for overseeing Lamaze’s operations, finances, and investments, ensuring that Lamaze is complying with its legal obligations, and planning for Lamaze’s future. I understand that it is my responsibility to support a strong partnership between volunteer leaders and staff based upon common expectations, trust, collaborative planning, joint evaluation, and mutual respect. I understand that I have a fiduciary duty to further the charitable mission of Lamaze, exercise care in my duties, and act in good faith and in the best interests of Lamaze.
Direct Responsibilities:
I agree to do the following as part of my director duties:
- Attend at least 75% of Board meetings, without missing two consecutive meetings, and actively participate;
- Prioritize the best interests of Lamaze and its charitable mission at all times when acting as a Director of Lamaze. As part of this responsibility, I will disclose any conflicts of interest to the Board as required by the conflicts of interest policy;
- Serve as a resource for Lamaze in areas of my professional and personal expertise;
- Review the materials provided to me by Lamaze and keep myself informed about the activities and challenges of Lamaze;
- Ask questions;
- Represent Lamaze in a manner that enhances its public image;
- Actively participate in one or more of Lamaze’s projects, other committees or special events;
- Share any concerns regarding the performance of management and staff in a productive manner (e.g. give timely, accurate details about the behavior or process that needs improvement to the appropriate supervisor);
- Conduct periodic Board evaluations to assess individual and group performance, and share any concerns regarding the performance of fellow board members in a productive manner (e.g. give timely, accurate details about the behavior or process that needs improvement to the individual board member or president, as appropriate);
- Refrain from discussing concerns regarding management and staff with others who are not in a position to resolve the issue. I will also refrain from continuing to discuss past occurrences unless performance has not improved.
- Recruit and orient new Board members as may be needed;
- Honestly assess and offer ideas to improve the performance of Lamaze;
- Comply with Lamaze’s Confidentiality Policy; and
- Work in good faith with other Board members to provide guidance about the direction, desired outcomes and priorities of Lamaze.
Director Rights:
As a Director, I am entitled to the following:
- Timely notice of board meetings and special events;
- Regular written reports on the financial status and activities of Lamaze;
- Timely and straightforward responses to my questions about the financial status and activities of Lamaze;
- Opportunities to evaluate and choose the Executive Director who is charged with the day to day management of Lamaze;
- Information that I feel is necessary to carry out my legal and ethical responsibilities to Lamaze, including advice from outside professionals, such as accountants and lawyers when necessary;
- Opportunities to participate in projects, other committees, special events and fundraising activities; and
- Opportunities to discuss Lamaze’s goals, activities, and status with Lamaze’s President and Executive Director.
I agree to fulfill my responsibilities under this agreement and to notify the President if I feel Lamaze is not fulfilling its responsibilities to me.
Approved: April 2016
Outlined below are the primary responsibilities of members and elective officers of the Lamaze International Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors shall consist of eleven (11) voting members including: seven (7) Elected Directors and four (4) Elective Officers. At least one (1) Lamaze-Certified Childbirth Educator (LCCE), one (1) healthcare provider, and one (1) parent/consumer advocate shall serve on the Board of Directors at all times. All members of the Board of Directors are responsible for overseeing the health and direction of the organization. Directors shall:
- Work in good faith with other Board members to provide guidance about the direction, desired outcomes and priorities of Lamaze International.
- Support the Lamaze International mission, vision and goals and comply with the organization’s bylaws and policies.
- Accept fiduciary responsibility and serve Lamaze with undivided loyalty, care, and obedience.
- Act in the best interest of Lamaze, disclose any potential conflicts of interest, maintain confidentiality and comply with applicable legal requirements.
- Attend and actively participate in Board of Director meetings, strategic planning sessions and annual conference/member business meeting in person and by teleconference.
- Review the materials provided to me to keep myself informed about the activities and challenges of Lamaze, cast an informed vote on organizational policy and program issues, and respond in a timely manner to all action and information requests.
- Serve as a resource of knowledge and counsel to the Executive Director, committees, and other board members, and serve as liaison between the Board and assigned committees, councils or projects.
- Participate in periodic evaluations of Board and management, and share any concerns regarding the performance of management and staff in a productive manner.
- Represent the organization at the request of the President.
- Submit timely requests for reimbursement for covered expenses to attend the annual conference and other approved meetings for reasonable expenses for travel, accommodations with Lamaze conference registration paid by the organization as outlined and approved through the annual budget.
Elected Directors shall serve a four-year term, which shall begin with the close of the outgoing Board of Directors meeting held within three days of the close of the Annual Meeting at which they were elected, and shall continue until the close of the outgoing Board of Directors meeting four years thereafter or later until his or her successor takes office.
As the elective head of Lamaze International, the President should be held to all expectations of a director and in addition shall:
- Generally, supervise and direct the affairs of Lamaze International in partnership with the Executive Director, in accordance with the established bylaws, policies and strategic plan.
- Serve as chairperson of Board of Directors and Executive Committee, preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and membership, and provide written or verbal reports on Lamaze International affairs at these meetings.
- Be an ex-officio, non-voting member of all committees.
- Appoint committee and council chairs, and Ad Hoc committees.
- Support and communicate regularly with the Executive Director.
- Meet with the Executive Director and President Elect, via phone, on a regular basis in between formal board meetings.
- Prepare agendas for all meetings of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and membership in collaboration with the Executive Director.
- Represent the organization to other organizations, the media, and the public-at-large.
- Direct management of awards to be given at the annual conference.
- Prepare quarterly “President’s Message” for the membership newsletter.
- Prepare the next President for the responsibilities of the presidency.
- Review mail, communications, reports, and proposals of the staff.
- Assume such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or Executive Committee.
The Past-President shall perform duties as delegated by the President and help transition the President into the elected position and should be held to all expectations of a director and shall:
- Offer historical perspective on board matters as appropriate and offer general council to the president.
- Attend the annual conference, schedule permitting, with registration paid by the organization after their board term of service.
- Serve as Chair of the search committee.
- Represent the organization at the request of the President.
The President-Elect shall perform duties as delegated by the President, should be held to all expectations of a director and in addition shall:
- Perform the responsibilities of the President during absence or disability of the President, and accede to the presidency in the event that a permanent vacancy in the presidency arises.
- Be familiar with the responsibilities of the President, the activities and positions of the organization, and functioning of the executive office.
- Assist the President as appropriate. Serve as a voting member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
- Represent the organization at the request of the President.
As the custodian of the official records for the organization and responsible for monitoring the financial condition of the organization, the Secretary-Treasurer should be held to all expectations of a director and in addition shall:
- Generally, oversee the keeping of records of all meetings and teleconferences of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, as well as the annual membership meetings.
- Collaborate with the Executive Director and/or Chief Operating Officer to oversee the fiscal affairs of the organization.
- Present, on behalf of the finance committee, to the Board of Directors an annual budget for the organization, developed in concert with the Executive Director and/ or Chief Operating Officer.
- Monitor budgetary performance of the organization, recommending modifications as necessary.
- Review for approval all actions and policies with major financial implications.
- Review and approve applicable financial transactions on an as needed basis.
- Review check logs to be signed via stamp on your behalf with the Executive Director or Chief Operating Officer in accordance with the Check Approval Policy.
- Ensure a financial audit is conducted by an independent certified public accountant on an annual basis.
- Report to the membership on the fiscal affairs of the organization.
- Serve as chair of the Finance Committee.
- Assist the President as appropriate.
- Prepare the next Treasurer to carry out their responsibilities.
- Represent the organization at the request of the President.
- Serve on committees as appointed.
Approved: November 1995
Revised: September 2005, October 2017
Revised: June 27, 2023
Article I: Name, Mission, Status
Section 1.1: Name. The legal name of the corporation is Lamaze International, Inc. (formerly the American Society of Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics, Inc.). The corporation shall also be known as Lamaze or Lamaze International.
Section 1.2: Mission. The mission of Lamaze International is to advance safe and healthy pregnancy, birth and early parenting through evidence-based education and advocacy.
Article II: Offices, Agents, and Records.
Lamaze International’s principal office, agent, books, and records shall be established and maintained in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, provided that the phrase “books and records” shall also mean operational and procedural manuals, documents, minutes, and written materials. Lamaze International shall have such other offices, in Washington, DC or elsewhere, as the Board of Directors may determine.
Article III: Membership
Section 3.1: Membership. Membership in Lamaze International is open to healthcare providers, childbirth educators, health professionals, and parent/consumer advocates whose practices and interests are in the area of maternal/child health and who support the mission of Lamaze International.
Section 3.2: Voting. All members of Lamaze International shall be entitled to one vote. Votes may be taken in person or by proxy, unless otherwise specified in the bylaws.
Section 3.3: Termination of Membership.
A: Resignation. Any member may resign from Lamaze International by submitting a written resignation, or by nonpayment of any required membership dues.
B: Expulsion. The Board of Directors may by a two-thirds vote of the entire Board expel a member for the following reasons:
- For Cause. After notice and an opportunity to be heard, a member may be expelled for cause such as violation of any of the bylaws of Lamaze International or for conduct prejudicial to the best interests of Lamaze International as determined by the Board of Directors; or
- For Unauthorized Use of the Lamaze International or Lamaze Names. Use of the Lamaze International or Lamaze names except as authorized shall be grounds for expulsion.
- Forfeiture of Rights. Any member that resigns or is expelled shall forfeit any and all rights and privileges in the affairs of Lamaze International outlined in Section 3.5 Rights of Members.
Section 3.4: Qualifications of Membership.
A: Non-Discrimination. Membership shall not be denied on the basis of race, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, primary/preferred language, age or any other basis for those who otherwise meet the qualifications of membership herein.
B: Acceptance. To be accepted, an individual is required to complete the Lamaze International application, be current in the payment of membership dues, support the mission and philosophy of Lamaze International, and be formally accepted into membership. Dues and the specific criteria for membership, the process of renewal and procedures for application shall be established by the Board of Directors.
C: Requirements. All members are required to abide by the provisions of these bylaws, and procedures and policies established by the Board of Directors.
Section 3.5: Rights of Members.
A: Members. Members of Lamaze International who are not Lamaze-Certified Childbirth Educators may identify themselves by name, followed by the designation, “a member of Lamaze International.”
B: Members who are Lamaze-Certified Childbirth Educators. Members who are Lamaze-Certified Childbirth Educators may identify themselves by name, followed by “Lamaze- Certified Childbirth Educator,” or the initials “LCCE,” or other designation as may be approved by the Certification Council.
Section 3.6: Meetings of Members.
A: Annual Member Business Meeting. There shall be an Annual Member Business Meeting of all voting members of Lamaze International each year for receiving the Annual Report of Directors, the Treasurer, committees, councils and other groups such as the Board of Directors may deem advisable; and for the transaction of such other business as may be appropriate such as conducting the vote for At-Large-Directors per the Voting and Election Policy.
B: Special Meetings. Special meetings of all voting members may be called by the Board of Directors at its discretion, at a date and time set by the Board of Directors. In addition, a special meeting may be convened by ten percent (10%) of the voting membership, who may, in writing, demand the call of a special meeting specifying the date and month thereof, which date shall be not less than two (2) months nor more than three (3) months after the date of the written demand. The demand for the call of the special meeting shall state the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called and the business transacted at the special meeting shall be limited to the purposes specified in the demand.
C: Notice and Venue of Meetings. Notice of the Annual Member Business Meeting or any special meeting of voting members shall be made to all voting members in writing and delivered not less than thirty (30) days nor more than fifty (50) days prior to the meeting. Notice must be delivered by mail, facsimile telecommunications, or electronic mail to each Member. Notice of the Annual Member Business Meeting or any special meeting shall include the Agenda for the meeting, which must include a statement of all matters upon which vote will be taken.
D: Date of Record. The Date of Record for determining members entitled to vote at any meeting of members shall be fifty (50) days prior to the date of the meeting.
E: Quorum. The presence in person or by proxy of the lesser of one hundred (100) voting members or one-tenth (1/10) of the total number of votes entitled to be cast shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the Annual Member Business Meeting or any special meeting of voting members. Where a quorum exists, a majority vote shall decide all questions unless a larger vote is required by law or unless otherwise stated in the bylaws.
F: Voting by Proxy. Members may vote by written proxy on any matter before the membership by signing a Proxy Authorization Form, to be provided by Lamaze International with the notice of each meeting. This Proxy Authorization Form shall generally expire after the meeting for which it is intended, but in any event no longer than eleven (11) months after it was executed. Every proxy shall be fully revocable by the member executing it. No person shall be entitled to vote at any meeting unless his or her name appears on the Certified List of Voting Members as an individual voting member.
Article IV: Board of Directors.
Section 4.1: Duties, Responsibilities, Powers.
A: Management. The management of Lamaze International and the responsibility to delegate duties to other individuals or committees or professional management as are deemed necessary are vested in the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may hire an Executive Director who shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and shall perform such duties, serve for such period, and be compensated in such amount as may be determined by the Board of Directors. The Executive Director shall be considered an Advisor to the Board of Directors, ex-officio and without vote. The Executive Director shall attend Board meetings, ex-officio and without vote, except that they may be excluded from that portion of a Board meeting which the Chair of the meeting determines will entail discussion of them or their performance.
- Board of Directors has authority to approve all Policies of the organization, including those pertaining to committees and councils.
Section 4.2: Composition.
A: Voting Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of not less than nine (9) and not more than thirteen (13) voting members including: At-Large Directors and four (4) Board Officers. Board Officers serve as voting, ex-officio Directors and include a Secretary/Treasurer, President-Elect, President, and Past-President. At least one (1) Lamaze-Certified Childbirth Educator (LCCE), one (1) healthcare provider, and one (1) parent/consumer advocate shall serve on the Board of Directors at all times. The “Entire Board” shall consist of the number of Directors elected or appointed at the most recent election, including those whose term had not yet expired, without regard to subsequent vacancies.
B: Emeritus Director. The Board of Directors at its discretion may appoint one or more individuals who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board in the position of Emeritus Director. The duties and responsibilities of the Emeritus Director shall be defined by Policy. All Emeritus Directors shall have the right to attend Board meetings, ex-officio and without vote.
C: Selection. At-Large Directors shall be elected by the Members; Board Officers shall be selected by the Board of Directors. Lamaze Members may self-nominate for Board of Directors or provide a write-in candidate for At-Large Director in accordance with the policy on Voting and Election Policy.
D: Diversity. Lamaze International aspires to constitute a Board which includes talented and dedicated Directors with a diverse mix of expertise, as well as diversity of personal characteristics that include, but are not limited to, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, primary/preferred language, age, and geography. Lamaze International is committed to incorporating the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion in its leadership positions.
Section 4.3: Election of Directors. The Voting and Election Policy, as adopted and amended by the Board of Directors, shall govern the selection of Directors, Officers and Committee/Council members as well as procedures for voting by and for Directors, Officers, Committee/Council Members and Members of Lamaze International.
Section 4.4 Terms of Office for Directors.
A: Regular Term. At-Large Directors shall be elected for a four-year term, and serve until successor Directors are duly elected and take office. Board Officers shall serve as Directors by virtue of their office, and, therefore, are voting, ex-officio Directors for as long as they serve as Board Officers.
B: Limitation of Terms.
- At-Large Directors – Not Elected as Board Officers. An At-Large Director who is not elected as a Board Officer shall serve no more than one (1) full four-year term or more than six consecutive years.
- At-Large Directors – Elected as Board Officers. Board Officers shall not serve on the Board in any capacity more than a total of eight (8) consecutive years.
Section 4.5: Vacancies. Except as described in the Voting and Elections Policy, At-Large Director seats shall be filled by nomination by the President and approval of the Board of Directors. A Director selected to fill a vacancy in an unexpired term serves for the unexpired term of his/her predecessor in office.
Section 4.6: Meetings.
A: Regular. The Board of Directors shall hold at least two (2) meetings per year — one such meeting to be held near the close of the Annual Member Business Meeting (this meeting will be considered the “Annual Board Meeting”).
B: Special. Special Meetings of the Board of Directors, may be called by the President or by any Director upon the written request of at least six (6) Directors.
C: Quorum and Board Action. The presence of a majority of the Board of Directors then serving shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A majority vote of those Directors present shall decide all questions unless a greater number is required by New York law, the Articles of Incorporation, these bylaws, or by previous vote of the Board of Directors.
D: Notice. Notice of any regular meeting of the Board of Directors shall be given to each person entitled to attend the meeting no fewer than five (5) days prior to the date of the meeting. Notice must be delivered personally (either in writing or orally) or by mail, electronic mail, facsimile, or telephone to each Director. Notice of any special meeting of the Board of Directors shall be given to each person entitled to attend the meeting no fewer than two (2) days prior to the date of the meeting.
E: Waiver of Notice. A Director may waive his/her right to notice in writing. A Director’s attendance at a meeting waives any required notice unless the Director at the beginning of the meeting (or promptly upon the Director’s arrival) objects to holding the meeting.
F: Means of Attendance. A member of the Board of Directors may participate in a meeting by means of telephone, video conference or similar communications equipment so long as all Directors can hear each other and be heard at the same time.
Section 4.7: Action by Directors in the Absence of a Meeting. Action may only be taken by the Board of Directors without a meeting if a written consent describing the action is signed by all the Directors then serving and filed with the minutes.
Section 4.8: Removal and Resignation.
A: For Cause by Directors. Any Director may be removed at any time for cause by a two-thirds vote of Directors at a regular or special meeting of the Board at which a quorum is present.
B: For Cause by Members. Any one or more of the At-Large Directors may be removed for cause at any time by a vote of two-thirds of the voting members who are present at any special meeting called for that purpose.
C: Officers. As described in Section 6.4, any one or more Board Officers may be removed with or without cause by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. If a Board Officer resigns or is removed from office, then such Board Officer will also cease to serve as a Director.
D: Resignation. Any Director may resign at any time by providing written notice to the Board. Resignation shall be effective upon the delivery of notice unless the notice provides that it will be effective at a later time or upon the occurrence of an event.
Article V: Officers
Section 5.1: Officers. The Board of Directors shall choose the officers of the Corporation. The Officers of the Corporation shall act as its agents under the direction of the Board of Directors. The Board Officers shall consist of a Secretary/Treasurer, President-Elect, President, and Past-President. The Board of Directors may also appoint any such other officers as it may deem advisable.
Section 5.2: Terms of Office. Officers shall be elected for a term of approximately one (1) year and shall serve until successor Officers are duly elected and take office. In order to be eligible for election as a Board Officer, an individual must have served at as a Director currently or within eight (8) years of the election; further qualifications are set forth in the Voting and Election Policy.
Section 5.3: Removal. Any one or more Officers may be removed with or without cause by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors.
Section 5.4: Vacancies. The Board of Directors shall fill any vacant Officer position in the manner described by the Voting and Election Policy.
Section 5.5: Duties and Powers.
A: President. The President shall be the elective head of Lamaze International, and shall:
- Preside at all meetings of the members of Lamaze International, of the Board of Directors, and of the Executive Committee.
- Be an ex-officio, non-voting member of all committees, except he or she shall be a voting member on the Executive Committee.
- Oversee governance of Lamaze International and ensure the programs and activities advance the organization’s mission, vision and strategic plan.
- Assume such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or Executive Committee.
B: President-Elect. The President-Elect shall perform such duties as may be delegated by the President or the Board of Directors and shall perform all the duties of President in the absence of the President or in the event of the President’s inability to serve.
C: Past-President. The Past-President shall perform such duties as may be delegated by the President or the Board of Directors.
D: Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer shall oversee the funds and records of Lamaze International, subject to the control of the Board of Directors; and shall:
- Give notice and attend all meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors, keep a record of all such proceedings, and attest documents.
- Shall have the care and custody of all of the funds and securities of Lamaze International, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, and shall cause accounts to be kept of all receipts and disbursements, an annual budget to be prepared and approved by the Board of Directors, an annual financial statement, which shall be certified by a public accountant, to be published for review by members.
- Perform such other duties as are usual for such official or as may be duly assigned by the Board of Directors. Such duties of the Secretary/Treasurer as may be specified by the Board of Directors may be delegated to the Executive Director.
Article VI: Committees.
Section 6.1: Purpose and Procedure. Committees are groups necessary to conduct the general work of Lamaze International. Committees shall be classified as either “Committees of the Board” as defined in Section 712 of the New York Not-For-Profit Corporation Law or “Committees of the Corporation.” “Committees of the Board” have the authority to act on behalf of the Board and include the Executive Committee and Audit Committees. All other committees currently described in these Bylaws are Committees of the Corporation which are advisory in nature without independent authority to act on behalf of Lamaze International. Committees of the Corporation are not limited to those listed in these Bylaws, and may be established by the President of Lamaze International. All Committees must abide by Lamaze Policies, inclusive of committee charters.
Section 6.2: Committees of the Board.
A: Executive Committee.
- Members. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the Officers of Lamaze International, and one (1) At-Large Director who has served at least two (2) years on the Board of Directors. The Executive Director is expected to participate, but does not serve on the Executive Committee or have the authority to vote. The At-Large Director member of the Executive Committee shall be nominated by the President and elected by the Entire Board to serve on the Executive Committee for a term of one (1) year. The Executive Committee shall act for the Board of Directors in the interim between meetings of the Board by a majority vote.
- Notice. Notice of a meeting of the Executive Committee shall generally be given at least 24 hours prior to a meeting; in an emergency or urgent situation, a majority of members of the Executive Committee may, by telephone or electronic poll, agree to a shorter notice period.
- Executive Committee Action. The Executive Committee may act in place of the Board of Directors between Board meetings, except on those matters specifically reserved to the Board by law, the Articles of Incorporation, these Bylaws, Lamaze policies or Board resolution. All Directors shall be given an opportunity to request that any Executive Committee action be subject to ratification by the Board of Directors.
B: Audit Committee. The Audit Committee shall be comprised of at least three (3) At-Large Directors each of whom is an Independent Director, as defined below and one member of the Executive Committee (i.e. Treasurer). The members of the Audit Committee shall be nominated by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. The Committee shall:
- Ensure that an independent auditor is retained annually to conduct an audit of Lamaze International;
- Review with the auditor the scope and planning of the audit prior to its commencement;
- Review and discuss the results of the audit and any related management letter with the independent auditor, including but not limited to, any identified material risks and weaknesses in internal controls, any restrictions on the scope of the auditor’s activities or access to information, any significant disagreements between the auditor and management, and the adequacy of Lamaze International’s accounting and financial reporting processes;
- Annually consider the performance and independence of the auditor; and
- Report on the Committee’s activities to the Board.
Only “Independent Directors” as defined in the New York Not-for-Profit Corporation Law may participate in any Audit Committee deliberations or voting relating to matters on the Audit Committee. The Following persons may not be present for deliberations or votes of the Audit Committee:
- Persons who receive payment of at least $10,000 in any of the prior three (3) years;
- Employees of Lamaze International or its management company; and/or
- Relatives of the above persons.
6.3: Advisory Committees / Committees of the Corporation.
A: Search Committee. The Search Committee shall consist of five (5) members – the Past-President, one (1) At-Large Director, and three (3) members of Lamaze International not serving on the Board of Directors. The Past-President shall serve as the Chair of the Search Committee. Other members of the Committee shall be appointed by the President. The Search Committee shall not select one of its members to be on the slate as a candidate for an At-Large Director position. Each Committee member serves a term of one (1) year. The Committee shall follow the procedures described in the Voting and Election Policy.
B: Finance. The Finance Committee shall recommend an annual budget to the Board of Directors. The Secretary/Treasurer of Lamaze International shall serve as Chair.
C: Education. The Education Committee’s purpose is to ensure all childbearing women have access to Lamaze education. The Committee is responsible for developing, implementing, and evaluating high quality evidence-based training for childbirth educators; high quality evidence-based continuing education for childbirth educators and other health care professionals; and high quality evidence-based consumer education.
D: Accreditation. The purpose of the Accreditation Committee is to set standards and guidelines for the accreditation of Lamaze Childbirth Educator Programs and for outside organizations seeking recognition as an accepted formal course in childbirth education or Lamaze approval for continuing education activities.
Section 7.1: Duties, Responsibilities, Powers.
A: Overall Management. The management of the certification program is vested in the Certification Council. All decisions relating to certification matters are the sole decision of the Certification Council and are not subject to approval by any other body. The Certification Council has sole responsibility for examination development, administration and fees, candidate eligibility, cut-off scores, conduct of meetings, dissemination of information, contractual arrangements, and appeals based on due process. The Certification Council is not a separate legal entity, but is an integral part of Lamaze International.
B: Financial Management. The Certification Council shall oversee development of a dedicated budget for the certification program, which is incorporated into the overall operating budget of Lamaze International, approved by the Board of Directors.
Article VII: Certification Council
Section 7.1.
A: Overall Management. The management of the certification program is vested in the Certification Council. All decisions relating to certification matters are the sole decision of the Certification Council and are not subject to approval by any other body. The Certification Council has sole responsibility for examination development, administration and fees, candidate eligibility, cut-off scores, conduct of meetings, dissemination of information, contractual arrangements, and appeals based on due process.
B: Financial Management. The Certification Council shall oversee development of a dedicated budget for the certification program, which is incorporated into the overall operating budget of Lamaze International, approved by the Board of Directors.
Article VIII: Administration
Section 8.1: Fiscal Year. The fiscal year shall commence on the first day of January and end on the last day of December in each year.
Section 8.2: Audit. The books of Lamaze International shall be audited annually by an independent certified public accountant and the report of such accountant shall be filed with the records of Lamaze International, shall be presented at the Annual Meeting, and shall be made available to all members.
Section 8.3: Expenditures, Financial Obligations. The Board may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of, and on behalf of, Lamaze International, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. In the absence of such resolution, the President shall have this authority. All checks, drafts, or orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of Lamaze International, shall be signed by such officer or officers, agent or agents of the Corporation, and in such manner as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the Board. In the absence of such resolution, the President shall have this authority. No obligations may be incurred on behalf of Lamaze International by members, Chapters, Committees, Councils, or other individuals or groups without written approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 8.4: Rules of Procedure. The rules of proceedings of all meetings of Lamaze International, the Board of Directors or any Committee or Council shall be according to Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised), so far as applicable and when not inconsistent with applicable law or these bylaws, except to the extent that the meeting waives application of such rules.
Section 8.5: Management Services.
A: Selection. The Board of Directors may elect to contract with a management company to provide management services, which may include the services of an agent or employee to serve as Lamaze International’s Executive Director.
B: Duties. Lamaze International and the management company shall execute an agreement defining the services to be provided, the cost of such services and relevant terms and conditions. This agreement must be approved by the Board prior to execution. Under the overall guidance of the Board, the management company shall support Lamaze International, its members, Board, officers, Committees, Councils and programs in the discharge of their respective tasks and responsibilities.
C: Authority. The management company shall have such authority as is granted by the Board of Directors, officers, Committees and/or Councils.
D: Removal. The Board of Directors has the authority to remove the management company from the management of Lamaze regardless of any available contractual rights or remedies
Section 8.6: Dissolution Procedure. In the event of dissolution, the corporation shall, after payment of all liabilities, distribute any remaining assets to an organization or organizations which, at the time, are exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. Dissolution may only be effected in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.
Article IX: Indemnifiction and Insurance
Section 9.1: Indemnification. Lamaze International shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, indemnify any person made, or threatened to be made, a party to any action or proceeding by reason of the fact that he or she was a Director, officer, employee or agent of Lamaze International, against judgments, fines, amounts paid in settlement and reasonable expenses, including attorney fees. No indemnification may be made to or on behalf of any such person if (a) his or her acts were committed in bad faith or were the result of his or her active and deliberate dishonesty and were material to such action or proceeding or (b) he or she personally gained in fact a financial profit or other advantage to which he or she was not legally entitled in the transaction or matter in which indemnification is sought.
Section 9.2: Insurance. Lamaze International shall have the power to purchase and maintain all insurance policies deemed to be in its best interest including insurance to indemnify Lamaze International for any obligation which it incurs as a result of its indemnification of Directors, Officers and employees pursuant to Section 8.1 above, or to indemnify such persons in instances in which they may be indemnified pursuant to Section 9.1 above.
Article X: Amendment and Interpretation of Bylaws
Section 10.1: Amendment. These bylaws may be amended only by a two-thirds vote of the membership present in person or by proxy at the Annual Member Business Meeting or any special meeting of voting members, at which there is a quorum.
Section 10.2: Interpretation. In the event there is a good faith disagreement about the meaning of these bylaws, the Board of Directors shall have the authority to determine how the bylaws should be interpreted.
Article XI: Effective Date. These bylaws and any amendments hereto shall become effective immediately subsequent to their adoption by the members of Lamaze International.
View key changes to the bylaws.
Per section 4.3 of the Bylaws, the Committee Member Applications and Selection Policy, as adopted and amended by the Board of Directors, shall govern the selection of Committee/Council members and Committee/Council chairs and vice chairs as well as procedures for the selection and roles of vice chair and chair as well as term limits.
Appointment Process of Committee Volunteers
Prospective committee members will be recommended by current committee members by reviewing submitted applications from the call for volunteer campaign.
Committee Volunteer Eligibility
All committee volunteers must hold current Lamaze International membership. Committees may clarify in their respective charters the number of LCCE members and non-LCCE members required.
Committee volunteers may not serve on more than one committee per term.
Application Process
The volunteer interest form will be available year-round for all members of Lamaze International to complete and submit. Applications must be received by October for applicants to be eligible to serve the following year.
An application will be made available on the website for applicants to complete and submit.
The application will list all open committee positions. The application will contain short answer questions and require applicants to upload a current curriculum vitae (CV).
On the application, applicants may indicate a rank-ordered preference for committee service.
Application Review Process
Staff liaisons will verify the membership eligibility of the applicants.
The chairs and committee members will review applications received for the open positions on their respective committees.
The Chair will present eligible applications to current committee members and request a vote for open positions. Those applicants receiving the most votes will be selected.
All applicants will be notified via email communication by the committee chairs.
The Board of Directors will be presented with the slate of final rosters for each committee for the vote of approval electronically.
Requirements for the Chair and Vice Chair Role
Committee Chair
Committee chairs are required to serve and complete a 1- year term as a member before eligibility to serve as chair.
Current chairs may conduct a call for committee members to self-nominate for Vice Chair position.
Current committee members will select vice chair(s) via vote.
Chairs may appoint a vice chair for a one-year term with the potential to serve up to 3 years as Vice Chair. The vice chair will serve as a stand-in for the chair role in the event the chair cannot attend a meeting or is unable to perform their duties.
Chairs will be elected with a majority vote by the current, outgoing, and newly appointed members.
For committees with open chair vacancies, the Lamaze President may appoint a chair.
All committee chairs and member rosters will be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors
Term Limits for Committee Members
All committee positions will have a term limit of three years.
Term Extensions
In the event there are no new applicants for the open positions, members rotating off are eligible for a one-year extension.
Committee members may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms.
Members can serve two executive terms; chairs cannot serve two executive terms and must rotate off after one three-year term.
Committee Assignments for Certification Council
See Certification Council Policies and Procedures for details related to eligibility, terms of service and roles and responsibilities.
Term Limits for Council Members
Council members are eligible for an extension at the end of a three-year term at the discretion of the current Council chair.
Approved September 2023
Lamaze International considers it important that there be a full understanding of and confidence in the honesty and integrity of Lamaze International’s business dealings, that adequate steps are taken to assure that all actions are for the benefit of the organization, and that no Director, Officer or Key Employee or Volunteer has, or is perceived to have, a divided loyalty or other interest which may be in conflict with his or her duties to Lamaze International.
To best serve these purposes Lamaze International’s Board of Directors ("the Board") has adopted this Conflict of Interest Policy ("Policy", which is designed to promote the identification, disclosure, evaluation, and disposition of any actual, potential, or apparent conflicts of interest that in fact or in appearance call into question the undivided duty of loyalty of the Board, Officers, and Key Employees or Volunteers to the organization. Lamaze International may also require non-Board members serving on Committees of the Board of Directors (each "Committee") to comply with this Policy. Such individuals shall be treated as Directors and "interested persons" for purposes of this Policy.
- "Authorized Committee" means the Executive Committee for transactions involving the exchange of goods and services, or such other committee of the Board that is appointed by the Board of Directors from time to time with authority over relevant issues.
- "Conflict Transaction" means a proposed transaction, agreement or arrangement of Lamaze International that could give rise to an actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest.
- "Director" means an individual serving on the board.
- "Family Member" means an individual’s spouse or domestic partner, children, grandchildren, and great- grandchildren (whether natural or adopted, and including step-children), siblings (including half siblings); and the spouses of all such individuals.
- "Financial Interest" means the receipt, directly or indirectly, of a financial benefit from a transaction, agreement, or arrangement between Lamaze International and a Related Party.
- "Key Employee or Volunteer" means any person who is in a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of Lamaze International as defined in Section 4958 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, such as high level managers, substantial donors, or former Directors or Officers.
- "Officer" means an officer of Lamaze International elected by the Board.
- "Related Entity" or "Related Entities" means any entity in which a Related Party has: (a) a thirty-five percent or greater ownership or beneficial interest; (b) in the case of a partnership or professional corporation, a direct or indirect ownership interest of more than five percent; or (c) a director, officer, or employee position.
- "Related Party Transaction" means any transaction, agreement or arrangement in which a Related Party has a Financial Interest and in which Lamaze International is a participant.
- "Related Party" means a Director, Officer, or Key Employee or Volunteer, and his or her Family Members and/or Related Entities.
Procedures for Addressing Conflicts of Interest
Any transaction, agreement or other arrangement in which the interests of a Related Party could be seen as competing with the interests of Lamaze International shall be treated as an actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest (even where there is no Financial Interest), and shall be addressed as set forth below.
- Duty to Disclose: When a Director, Officer or Key Employee or Volunteer is aware of circumstances relating to Conflict Transaction, such individual must disclose all material facts in writing relating to his or her interest in the transaction, agreement or other arrangement, if not already known, to the Board or the Authorized Committee. If the individual learns of a conflict during the course of a meeting, he or she is encouraged to report it orally for discussion.
- Deliberations on Whether a Conflict Is Presented: The Board or Authorized Committee shall determine whether there is an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest. The interested person may not participate in and may not attempt to influence the deliberations and vote, and must leave the room during the deliberations and vote on whether an actual, potential, or perceived conflict is presented. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, at the request of the Board or Authorized Committee, a Director, Officer, or Key Employee or Volunteer may present background information or answer questions about the interest in question.
- Deliberations on the Transaction, Agreement or Arrangement and Recusal: If the Board or Authorized Committee determines that there is a Conflict Transaction, the transaction shall be approved only after the following occurs:
- Restrictions on Interested Person: The interested person must refrain from attempting to influence the deliberations or voting on the Conflict Transaction and may not participate in or be present in the room during the deliberations or vote on the transaction. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, at the request of the Board or Authorized Committee, a Director, Officer, or Key Employee or Volunteer may present background information or answer questions about the Conflict Transaction and the interest in question.
- Approval of Conflict Transaction: The Board or Authorized Committee must determine that the Conflict Transaction is fair, reasonable, and in Lamaze International’s best interests.
- Approval of Related Party Transaction: If a Related Party has a Financial Interest in the Conflict Transaction, the Board or Authorized Committee must designate the transaction as a Related Party Transaction and obtain and rely on comparable market data, to the extent available and applicable, in making the determination that the transaction is fair, reasonable and in Lamaze International’s best interest. In the case of grants and other programmatic investments, it is understood that comparability data may not be applicable or relevant; in these cases, the Board or Authorized Committee must review the rationale for selection of the grantee and the selection process as well as assess the extent to which the grant furthers Lamaze International’s community impact goals and strategy.
- Substantial Financial Interest: If a Related Party has a “substantial financial interest” in the Related Party Transaction within the meaning of the New York Not- for-Profit Corporation Law, the Board or Authorized Committee must consider alternative transactions, to the extent available. The issuance of a request for competitive bids or obtaining quotes from other providers of the goods or services through a less formal process shall be deemed to satisfy the obligation to consider alternative transactions.
- Voting: Any determination made under this Policy and any transaction, approved under the terms of paragraph (c) above shall be approved by the vote of a majority vote of the disinterested Directors serving on the Board or Authorized Committee after consideration of the factors described in paragraph (c).
- Contemporaneous Documentation: The Authorized Committee or Board must document, in the minutes of the meeting at which they occurred, all determinations and approvals made with respect to Related Party Transactions and other Conflict Transactions pursuant to the terms of this Policy. The documentation must include an account of the consideration of comparable market data and alternative transactions, agreements or arrangements, to the extent considered or available.
- Role of the Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall oversee the adoption, implementation of and compliance with this Policy, shall receive regular reports on the matters that are considered and adjudicated under this Policy, and must confirm compliance with this Policy.
Annual Disclosure Statement
- Duty to Disclose: Prior to the initial election, appointment or hiring of any Director, Officer, or Key Employee or Volunteer and annually thereafter, such individual must complete, sign, and submit to the Secretary of Lamaze International a written disclosure statement that discloses, to the best of his or her knowledge:
- Any entity (for-profit or nonprofit) of which such individual is an officer, director, trustee, member, owner (either as a sole proprietor or partner), or employee and with which Lamaze International has or will have a relationship;
- Any transaction in which Lamaze International is a participant and in which such an individual might have a conflicting interest; and
- Any other interests that could give rise to a conflict of interest.
- Disclosure Statements Available for Inspection: Completed disclosure statements may be made available for inspection to the Board and a copy of all completed disclosure statements will be provided to the Chair of the Executive Committee.
- Compliance with Policy: A copy of this Policy must be furnished to each Director, Officer, and Key Employee or Volunteer associated with Lamaze International promptly upon its adoption and subsequent amendment. Each Director, Officer, and Key Employee or Volunteer must acknowledge upon election or appointment and annually thereafter, that he or she has read and is in compliance with this Policy.
Each Director, Officer, and Key Employee or Volunteer must update his or her disclosure statement as necessary to reflect changes over the course of the year.
Approved: April 2016
Complete Volunteer Disclosure Form
In the past royalty revenue spending has not been specifically guided by policy but in practice, royalties have been used as needed for operating revenue for ongoing program support. This practice proves challenging in the case where royalty revenue trends begin to decline and tough decisions need to be made during budget planning, and determining how to “right-size” ongoing program budget allocations and use of reserve funds for operations versus special projects.
Lamaze International has entered into various corporate licensing partnerships, which license use of the Lamaze trademark on consumer products, such as infant development toys and books, children’s wear, maternity intimate apparel, and content partnerships. These corporate partnerships, and related licensing royalty revenue, exist to provide ongoing support for the mission and goals of Lamaze International’s charitable purposes.
This policy provides general principles for assessing corporate licensing partnerships and guidelines for managing ensuing royalty revenue for financial planning purposes. This policy will be applied in connection with other financial policies, including the Net Asset Policy, which provides guidance on management of Reserve Funds, Special Project Funds and the Investment Policy, which defines how these Reserve Funds are invested.
This policy and guidelines should be reviewed at least every three years to assure their continued relevance to the policies and operations of Lamaze and to our business environment.
General Principles for Establishing Corporate Relationships
The following general principles provide guidance for appropriate corporate licensing partnerships:
- The Lamaze mission, vision and strategic priorities must drive the proposed activity.
- The Advertising Standards Policy will guide the type of appropriate corporate relationships.
- The corporate partnership must preserve or promote the public’s trust, professional integrity and positive awareness of the Lamaze brand, the profession of perinatal education, maternal/child health, and evidence-based birth practices.
Corporate Relationship Guidelines
The formation of corporate licensing partnerships must comply with the following guidelines:
- Corporate licensing partnerships will be reviewed and approved by the Board.
- Corporate licensing partnerships must be accompanied by a written agreement, reviewed by legal counsel, and signed by all parties involved. Minimum royalty guarantees, quarterly forecasts and liability risks associated with a corporate licensing partnership must be reviewed and addressed in the agreement.
- Lamaze International must review and approve all projects and products bearing the Lamaze name, trademarks or logo.
- Advertising or educational material to be distributed to the public or childbirth professionals must be reviewed and approved to ensure compliance with current policies and evidence-based practice. Lamaze retains editorial control over educational content produced as part of a corporate relationship. Corporate partners must not influence the content of Lamaze program or advocacy activities.
- Contracts will be reviewed on an annual basis for compliance with standards and reporting specified in the agreement.
- The Executive Director is responsible for coordinating the review of proposed corporate relationships, managing partnerships consistent with the approved policies and executed agreements, and reporting to the Board of Directors on all Lamaze corporate arrangements at least annually.
Royalty Management and Budget Planning
The Board of Directors and management must carefully manage the balance between current financial needs and future needs. The perpetual challenge is to decide how much of the available assets should be used to support ongoing programming, special projects, and what portion should be invested for the future. The mission, vision and strategic priorities will be used to guide prioritizing and decision-making related to use of royalty revenue and budget planning.
Royalty Management/Budget Guidelines
The following guidelines will be used in annual budget planning:
- The Board will annually set a revenue target for Lamaze programs (excluding corporate partners) that generate revenue with the goal of striving towards becoming revenue neutral or profitable.
- The corporate partner will provide realistic/conservative annual sales/royalty revenue target for annual budgeting purposes and quarterly forecasts to reflect mid-year changes, which allows for Lamaze forecast adjustments with any expected variances.
- The annual budget will be developed based on the corporate partner’s minimum royalty guarantee or average royalty revenue over the past three years, whichever is higher, in the case where royalties are stable or growing. However, if royalties have been declining over the past three years, then a conservative assumption will be made to assume that trend will continue into the next budget year.
- These guidelines will be applied in connection with the Net Asset Policy, which provides guidance on management of Reserve Funds, Special Project Funds.
- The royalty management/ budget guidelines will be reviewed every three years or upon significant changes to corporate partner relationships.
Approved: August 2017
The directors and officers of a nonprofit corporation are required to serve the corporation with undivided loyalty, care, and obedience. Directors and officers shall act in the best interest of Lamaze International and comply with applicable legal requirements. The provisions below are intended as reminders of this fiduciary duty obligation.
A. Duty of Loyalty
The duty of loyalty requires a director to exhibit undivided allegiance to the corporation. In exercising the duty of loyalty, Board members with conflicts of interest must excuse themselves from any participation in the area of conflict. Members of the Board of Directors must refrain from using their position or information they receive by reason of serving as an officer or director for private gain or for the benefit of a third party – even if the third party is another nonprofit organization.
B. Duty of Care
The duty of care requires directors to adequately inform themselves and carefully study, deliberate on, and monitor Lamaze International’s activities. Each Director shall discharge his or her duties in good faith, with ordinary care, and in a manner the director reasonably believes to be in the best interest of the corporation. Each Director is expected to fully prepare for and participate in meetings, to complete assignments on schedule, and to monitor and evaluate the performance of active executive management staff. Each Director is expected to share with the Board any information that might be relevant to the Board’s decision-making (other than information that is protected from disclosure by law, a legally enforceable obligation of confidentiality, or a professional ethics rule).
C. Duty of Obedience
The duty of obedience requires that directors follow Lamaze International’s articles of incorporation, bylaws, policies and state and federal law. Although directors are not responsible for technical compliance with every detail of every complex regulatory scheme, they are responsible for ensuring that there are reasonable compliance mechanisms in place.
- Directors and Officers shall abide by the Confidentiality policy adopted for all volunteers (above), the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and other corporate policies.
- Directors shall not exercise their authority on an individual basis. Directors shall act only with the full Board of Directors or the Executive Committee, or as expressly delegated by the Board of Directors.
- If a Director has significant doubts about a course of action of the Board of Directors, then he/she shall raise the concern with the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors and, when appropriate, seek independent expert advice.
Approved: April 2016
Your contributions to Lamaze International are truly valued. Please estimate to the best of your ability your contributions, and feel free to write on back or attach a separate page.
Name_________________________________________________ Time Period _______________
1) Contributions of Time
· Attending meetings __________hours
· On the phone __________hours
· Doing work __________hours
· Other (describe) __________hours
Total __________hours
Amount you are paid for your time for similar work: $ _____________ /hour
Total Hours ________x $________ per hour = $ _____________
2) In-Kind Contributions
· Copying, printing $ _____________
· Telephone $ _____________
· Travel costs $ _____________
· Other – describe: $ _____________
Total $ _____________
3) Financial Contributions (beyond membership dues)
Description $ _____________
4) Contributions You Solicited on Behalf of Lamaze International.
Description $ _____________
Do letters of thanks need to be sent to anyone?
5) Please note any other contributions.
Thank You!
Read Conflict Of Interest Statement
I have read and understand the Conflict of Interest Policy, and have identified below any potential conflicts of interest, which may arise in my capacity as a Lamaze International officer, committee member, consultant or staff person.
Potential conflicts of interest:
Any content or materials (the “Materials”) contributed by Lamaze International (“Lamaze”) members during volunteer service to Lamaze constitute a “work made for hire” under United States copyright law. Lamaze will be the exclusive owner of all copyright, trademark and proprietary rights to the Materials. If the Materials do not constitute work made for hire as a matter of law, then assigned volunteers agree to transfer and assign all rights in the Materials to Lamaze. Lamaze volunteers agree to assign to Lamaze and/or waive any claim they may have in any jurisdiction to so-called “moral rights” or rights of “droit morale” (rights of attribution and integrity) in connection with the Materials. Lamaze volunteers will provide any further documentation of these transfers that Lamaze may request.
Under circumstances where a volunteer contributes a portion of his or her personal pre-existing Materials, the individual will retain copyright for that Material and will grant a license to use their Material at no cost to Lamaze International. In such case, Lamaze retains rights as the sole owner of copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property and proprietary rights to the complete work.
Approved: April 2016
Lamaze International has complete responsibility for the content, scientific control and editorial policy of The Journal of Perinatal Education. To discharge this responsibility, Lamaze International will appoint an Editor/ Editors and editorial board to carry out its publication in accordance with this policy.
Editorial Content
The Journal of Perinatal Education (JPE) the official journal of Lamaze International is a quarterly, peer-reviewed publication whose mission is to protect and support natural, safe, and healthy birth through education and advocacy. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles and evidence-based, practical resources that childbirth educators and other health care professionals can use to enhance the quality and effectiveness of their care or teaching to prepare expectant parents for pregnancy, birth and early parenting.
Articles will focus on issues, educational topics, clinical practice and research related to childbirth and perinatal education. In addition to articles on these subjects, JPE will include home study modules, book reviews, abstracts with commentaries, critiques from other journals, etc. Articles and items that will advance the Lamaze International mission should be given preference. The editorial policy and content of JPE shall at all times reflect the image and reputation of Lamaze International and shall be consistent with the principles adopted by Lamaze International to accomplish its mission. All advertisements accepted for publication in the JPE must adhere to Lamaze International advertising standards.
The appointment and removal of the Editor is the responsibility of the Lamaze International President in consultation with the Board of Directors.
When a vacancy in the Editor position occurs, a call for applications will be published to seek interested candidates. The Search Committee will be asked to consider the applications and make a recommendation to The President for board approval. Candidates for the Editor may be recommended or nominated by the outgoing Editor or members of the Board of Directors or they may nominate themselves. A curriculum vitae and a statement summarizing qualifications will be reviewed by an Editor Search Task Force who will present their recommendations to the President for final approval.
The Board of Directors may remove the Editor for due cause by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board. Causes for removal of the Editor shall include, but not be limited to, failure to fulfill the responsibilities and duties of the position.
Editor: Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria for appointment shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
- Lamaze International member for a minimum of two (2) years.
- A broad, in-depth knowledge of the field of childbirth and perinatal education and its current trends and advances.
- A strong background in qualitative and quantitative research pertinent to the field of childbirth and perinatal education.
- Advanced degree, preferred.
- Vision for JPE coincides with the vision of Lamaze International.
- Experience writing for professional peer-reviewed publication(s)
- Experience as an editorial board member, a reviewer, or columnist for a professional journal, preferred.
- Demonstrated ability to plan, coordinate, and manage tasks associated with journal publication.
- Time available to perform Editorial duties.
Editor: Term
The term of appointment for the Editor is for three (3) years and may be renewed for additional three (3) year terms.
Editor: Remuneration
The Editor shall be paid an annual editorial stipend for preparing quarterly issues of the Journal for publication.
Editor: General Responsibilities
The Editor of JPE is directly accountable to the Lamaze International Board of Directors. The Editor is responsible for all aspects of preparing the content of JPE for publication. These specific responsibilities include:
- Supports Lamaze International vision and mission.
- Develops and oversees ongoing plans and procedures for manuscript acquisition and peer-review process.
- Writes editorials and solicits guest editorials and other articles, as appropriate.
- Works with new authors to provide supportive and constructive feedback on manuscript submissions.
- Selects appropriate reviewers for manuscripts, reviews page proofs for each issue and ensures corrections are submitted to the company that produces JPE.
- Submits complete editorial materials, in acceptable form, to the company that produces JPE, according to established deadlines.
- Identifies and appoints members of the Editorial Board, and directs the activities of the Editorial Board, including calling and presiding at meetings of the Editorial Board.
- Identifies and appoints appropriate Associate Editor(s) and Contributing Columnists.
- Provides an annual report to the Lamaze International Board of Directors on journal matters, such as manuscript flow, acceptance rate, and other pertinent information.
- Contributes input on readership survey and marketing efforts.
- Works with the publisher and Lamaze management to facilitate ongoing communication as well as problem-solving issues, as needed, between the editorial office and the Lamaze Board of Directors, the company that produces the journal, authors, reviewers, columnists, membership, administrative office, and the general public.
- Manages information requests pertaining to JPE content from members and authors and refers general reprint requests to the publisher.
Editorial Board: Composition
The Editorial Board shall be comprised of the Editor, Associate Editor and up to 12 members who are experts in the field of perinatal education. Editorial Board members and Associate Editors may be appointed at the discretion of the Editor. In addition, Editorial Board members may be appointed to serve as Contributing Columnists of the JPE.
Editorial Board: Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria for appointment shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
- A broad, in-depth knowledge of the field of childbirth and perinatal education and its current trends and advances.
- An understanding and appreciation for research pertinent to the field of childbirth and perinatal education.
- Experience writing articles for publication, and ability to critically evaluate manuscripts.
- Ability to fulfill responsibilities of the Editorial Board on a voluntary basis.
- Member of Lamaze International.
Editorial Board: Responsibilities
Members of the Editorial Board are directly accountable to the Editor of JPE. The responsibilities of Editorial Board members are as follows:
- Provide input on editorial needs and review manuscripts, as requested.
- Complete assigned reviews in a timely manner, offering constructive critique of manuscripts to assist the author and Editor to achieve the best possible quality in the final publication.
- Submit (may be recruited) an article for review for publication each year.
- Attend the Editorial Board Meeting that is held during the annual conference each year.
- Maintain confidentiality and objectivity with regard to manuscripts.
- Participate in periodic evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of JPE to maintain the journal as a quality reference source.
Editorial Board: Term
The term of appointment for Editorial Board members is for three (3) years and may be renewed for additional three (3) year terms. Editorial Board member terms will be staggered.
Associate Editors
An Associate Editor(s) may be appointed by the Editor to serve, to assist in carrying out editorial responsibilities and making recommendations regarding the content of JPE.
Contributing Columnists
Contributing Columnists may be appointed by the Editor to serve, on a voluntary basis, to write a column for specified issues of JPE.
Manuscript Reviewers
Manuscript reviewers may be selected by the Editor to review, on a voluntary basis, a specific manuscript in their particular area of expertise. The reviewers do not have to be members of the JPE Editorial Board or Lamaze International.
Adopted: October 14,1994
Revised: March 2006; October 2012; October 2018
Lamaze’s Directors, Officers, Council and Committee members and other volunteers agree to the following standards to enhance its work.
- Nurture an atmosphere of openness, transparency, and accountability;
- Computers, tablets, cell phones and other electronic devices will be set on silent/vibrate and used only for the purpose of the meeting versus personal use
- Respond to personal matters and take calls out of the room and during breaks, when necessary
- Use one-page “Action Item” for rationale and data to inform good decision-making
- Think before you speak – speak positively and use positive body language
- Be respectful, not talking over each other
- Be mindful of side conversations – they are distracting
- Challenge the idea not the person; no individual name call outs
- Foster an environment where all perspectives are respected and valued, and traditional practices can be constructively challenged
- Recognize that Lamaze serves many constituencies, put aside individual agendas, and check in to be sure everyone’s viewpoints have been shared in order to best accomplish Lamaze’s mission
- Strive to achieve consensus on decisions
- Commit to a swift, direct, and honest approach to resolving conflict. After all are heard, decide – then move on; no perseverating (hashing and rehashing)
- Speak as a cohesive group outside the meeting room
- Put new ideas, suggestions on a “Parking Lot” list so meeting is not derailed
- All are responsible for holding others accountable to the working agreement
- Review working agreement annually and revise as necessary.
Approved: April 2016
Download the application here.
The intent of this Licensing Program Policy (the “Policy”) is to clarify for the public the source of Lamaze programs, activities and materials conducted by components of Lamaze International, to maintain the quality of the goods or services that are offered in conjunction with Lamaze International’s trademarks, and to ensure proper use of those trademarks.
Licensing Program
This Policy has been adopted to assure that the Lamaze® mark and name continues to be trusted and known for advancing safe and healthy pregnancy, birth, and early parenting through evidence-based education and advocacy. To protect our respected reputation, trademark, and name recognition, Lamaze International has developed a formalized Lamaze Licensing Program, which is available to Lamaze International members, Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educators (LCCE educator), Lamaze International Chapters, and Lamaze Childbirth Educator Programs.
Lamaze Licensed Marks
The Lamaze® mark, the Lamaze Dots logo marks, the Certification Seal and Accreditation Seal as shown on Exhibit A (collectively, the “Licensed Marks”) may be used, only as specified in this Policy, for purposes of advancing the Lamaze® mission, which is to advance safe and healthy pregnancy, birth and early parenting through evidence-based education and advocacy.
It is the policy of Lamaze International that members, LCCE educators, chapters and childbirth educator programs may by license from Lamaze International use the Licensed Marks to promote Lamaze childbirth education services as specified herein. No individual, group, or other entity may use the Licensed Marks other than by license from Lamaze International.
License Eligibility
There are five basic categories of individuals and groups affiliated with Lamaze International who may use the Licensed Marks as indicated below, strictly as specified in this Policy: Lamaze International members; Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educators (LCCE educators) members/non-members; Lamaze International Chapters; and Lamaze Childbirth Educator Programs.
Lamaze International Members Who Are Not LCCE Educators
Lamaze International members who are not LCCE educators agree, in their applications/renewals for membership, to abide by Lamaze International bylaws, rules and policies, including this Policy and others concerning use of the Licensed Marks of the organization. Current members of Lamaze International who are not LCCE educator certified are licensed only to identify themselves as "a member of Lamaze® International" or "a member of Lamaze®".
Lamaze International policy prohibits members who are not LCCE educator certified from use of the Lamaze Dots Logo or stating or implying that they offer Lamaze® classes, Lamaze® instruction, or Lamaze® childbirth education.
Lamaze Childbirth Educator Program Students and Seminar Attendees
Lamaze Childbirth Educator Program students and seminar attendees who are not LCCE certified have limited use of the Licensed Marks of the organization. Within the three-year period following seminar attendance, they may use the Licensed Marks in the promotion of Lamaze® childbirth education as follows:
- To identify themselves as "a student in the Lamaze® Childbirth Educator Program” or a “Lamaze educator trainee.”
- To include a reference in their bio or CV that they "attended a Lamaze® Childbirth Educator Seminar".
- To indicate that their childbirth education class “is based on the Lamaze International Six Healthy Birth Practices.”
Lamaze International policy prohibits Lamaze Childbirth Educator Program students and seminar attendees who are not LCCE certified from use of the Lamaze Dots Logo or stating or implying that they are Lamaze certified or that they offer Lamaze® classes, Lamaze® instruction, or Lamaze® childbirth education.

LCCE Certified Lamaze International Members
To identify themselves as "a member of Lamaze® International" or "a member of Lamaze®. Lamaze International members who are LCCE educators agree, in their applications/renewals for membership, to abide by Lamaze International bylaws, rules and policies, including this Policy and others concerning use of the Licensed Marks. They also agree, when applying for certification/recertification, that they will abide by the code of ethics established by the Lamaze Certification Council and Lamaze International, including those concerning use of the Licensed Marks. As long as members who are LCCE certified remain in good standing, they are licensed to use the Licensed Marks in the promotion of Lamaze® childbirth education as follows:
- To indicate that they are "certified by Lamaze®" or are a "Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, “LCCE educator” or "LCCE certified."
- To state that they offer Lamaze® classes, Lamaze® instruction, or Lamaze® childbirth education and to make reference to the Lamaze® Fundamentals of Birth and the Lamaze® Six Healthy Birth Practices.
- To use the Lamaze Certification Seal in the promotion of Lamaze® childbirth education.

Lamaze Childbirth Educator Programs
The program director of each Lamaze® Childbirth Educator Program is required to execute an accreditation agreement and license, which includes provisions regarding the following use of the Licensed Marks:
- To state that the licensee offers the "Lamaze Childbirth Educator Seminar" and is “A Lamaze Accredited Childbirth Educator Program.”
- To represent that the purpose of the licensee’s Lamaze® Childbirth Educator Program is to enable learners to develop the knowledge and skills to plan, facilitate, and evaluate a childbirth education program, and to prepare students to sit for the Lamaze® examination to become LCCE certified.
- To use the Lamaze program logo mark with the words “Lamaze Accredited Childbirth Educator Program” in communications materials.
Lamaze International policy prohibits the use of the Lamaze Dots Logo by retired or lapsed LCCE educators who do not maintain certification or membership with Lamaze International.
Lamaze International Chapters
Each Lamaze International Chapter executes a charter agreement, which includes provisions regarding the following use of the Licensed Marks:
- To identify the chapter as a "chapter of Lamaze International" or "a Lamaze International chapter".
- To use the Lamaze Dots logo mark with the words “Chapter of Lamaze® International”' in communications materials.
While Lamaze International chapters are allowed to use the Lamaze® mark and the Lamaze Dots Chapter Logo as part of their organization identification as provided above, they are not authorized to license or permit the use of any of the Licensed Marks in any manner by their individual members.
Usage of the Licensed Marks
Licensed individuals or organizations may use the Licensed Marks on business cards, stationary or a professional website or blog in connection with the promotion of Lamaze® childbirth education without further written approval provided such use complies with this Policy. All use of the Licensed Marks must clearly identify the licensee’s relationship with Lamaze International and must comply with Lamaze International graphics standards. The Licensed Marks may not, without prior written permission from Lamaze International, be used as part of a domain name, screen name, URL, keyword, social media name (e.g., Twitter, Facebook), email address, or other identifier or in any such manner that would imply or represent any connection with Lamaze International other than the individual’s or organization’s actual relationship as a member, LCCE educator, chapter or program. Lamaze International controls the quality of goods and services offered in conjunction with the Licensed Marks through this Policy and other rules, guidelines, and policies and has the right to exercise such control over use of the Licensed Marks.
Requests for use of the Licensed Marks on promotional materials other than business cards, stationery or a professional website or blog in connection with promotion of Lamaze® childbirth education, must be submitted in writing to the Executive Director for Lamaze’s prior written approval at its sole discretion and must state the specific usage intended. Samples of the planned materials, which must be consistent with the Lamaze International philosophy and principles, must be included with such requests. Promotional materials may include such items as brochures, flyers or display ads.
Decisions regarding use of the Licensed Marks will be monitored and controlled by the Executive Director, under policy direction of the Lamaze International Board of Directors. No individual or group may use the Licensed Marks without the prior express written consent of the Executive Director, which cannot be given without a majority vote of the Lamaze International Board of Directors.
The Licensed Marks may not be used in a manner that is in conflict with Lamaze International philosophy or principles or which disparages or brings in to disrepute Lamaze International or the Licensed Marks. In case of uncertainty on proper use of the Licensed Marks, you should contact the Lamaze Administrative Office. Lamaze International shall be the final judge in its sole discretion as to whether any use of the Licensed Marks complies with this Policy. .
Applying for Use of the Lamaze® Licensed Marks
The Licensed Marks are trademarks owned exclusively by Lamaze International. Use of the Licensed Marks by approved individuals and organizations is only by license from Lamaze International as stated in this Policy. Use in any other circumstances without Lamaze International’s prior written approval constitutes trademark infringement, misappropriation, and breach of contract and is subject to legal action. Lamaze International retains the right in its sole discretion to rescind permission immediately to use the Licensed Marks if they are used improperly.
Lamaze International members and/or LCCE educators are licensed to use certain Licensed Marks as set forth in this Policy without further action. Only those individuals desiring to use the marks in a manner not already licensed are required to submit a licensing application form (Attachment I). For example, a member LCCE educator who only intends to use the Licensed Marks as specified in this Policy need not submit any further application. The licensing agreement for these uses is covered by membership and recertification applications. However, a member LCCE educator who would like to use the Licensed Marks on promotional materials, such as brochures and flyers, must submit a licensing application for use of these Licensed Marks.
Chapters and programs sign an agreement with Lamaze International that includes use of the Licensed Marks. Any use beyond that allowed by the chapter or accreditation agreement must be applied for using the licensing application form.
Rules for Use of the Lamaze® Licensed Marks:
Individuals or organizations that use the Licensed Marks under license from Lamaze International agree to comply with the following, among other things:
- All use of the Licensed Marks must be in conformance with the philosophy, principles and written policies, rules, and guidelines of Lamaze International, which may be revised from time to time.
- All use of the Licensed Marks must comply with Lamaze International graphic standards, which may be revised from time to time.
- Lamaze International has the right to exercise control over the quality of goods or services used in conjunction with the Licensed Marks.
- All use of the Licensed Marks must clearly identify the licensee’s relationship with Lamaze International, i.e., member, LCCE educator, chapter or program.
- The Licensed Marks may be used by licensees only in conjunction with the provision of childbirth education services and may not be used in conjunction with the provision or promotion of any other goods or services.
- The appropriate symbol “®” or “™” must always clearly accompany the Licensed Marks as shown on Exhibit A and provided by Lamaze upon approval of the license. In addition, use of the term Lamaze®, as permitted under the terms of the license agreement, must be accompanied by the registration symbol “®”.
- The Licensed Marks may not, without permission from Lamaze International, be used as part of a domain name, screen name, URL, keyword, social media name (e.g., Twitter, Facebook), email address, or other identifier, or in any manner that would imply or represent any connection with Lamaze International other than the individual’s or organization’s actual relationship as a member, LCCE educator, chapter or program.
- All use of the Licensed Marks in promotional and communications materials other than business cards and stationary in connection with Licensee’s promotion of Lamaze® childbirth education (e.g., websites, blogs, brochures) must contain at least one conspicuous statement that “LAMAZE is a registered trademark of Lamaze International, Inc.”
- Should you, the Licensee, violate any of the provisions of this Policy or the license agreement you sign with Lamaze International, Lamaze International has the absolute right to withdraw permission to use the Licensed Marks immediately and you, the Licensee, must immediately cease all use of the Licensed Marks, including removing the Licensed Marks from any websites and blogs, and shall not distribute any existing inventory or literature bearing the Licensed Marks and shall immediately destroy all such materials if requested by Lamaze International.
- You, the Licensee, agree to comply with all the provisions governing your user category as set forth in this Policy, and that you shall not deviate from the Policy without the prior written approval of Lamaze International in its sole discretion.
- Lamaze International assumes no liability for any claims, actions, injuries or legal expenses connected with or related to licensees’ use of the Licensed Marks or connected with or related to the provision or offering of any products or services by licensees under or in connection with the Licensed Marks as a result of granting permission to use the Licensed Marks and you agree to hold Lamaze International harmless and indemnify Lamaze International from any and all such claims, including costs of defending against same and any damages, costs, or other awarded as a result of such claims.
Revised: January 2015, May 2018
To ensure that requests for endorsement of products and programs are handled in accordance with Lamaze International’s philosophy and principles.
Product/Program Endorsements
Lamaze International does not endorse any commercial product or program. Editors of the Lamaze International newsletter and journal may, at her/his discretion, include commercial products and programs in the resource section of the publication. Advertising in any Lamaze International publication, sponsorship of any program or event, exhibiting at the annual conference or use of the membership mailing list by any commercial or non-profit entity does not imply endorsement by Lamaze International.
Use of the “Lamaze” mark by corporations to which Lamaze International has licensed the mark for specific uses does not imply endorsement of the product by Lamaze International, but indicates that Lamaze International has approved the appropriateness of such products for inclusion in the licensee’s program. Lamaze International assumes no liability for the performance of the products or the veracity of the statements made by the manufacturers about their products.
Approved: October 1992
Revised: September 2000
Reviewed: October 2018
Role Descriptions
Board of Directors
Board Liaisons to Committees and Councils
Executive Committee
Finance Committee
Search Committee
Accreditation Council Governing Body
Education Council Governing Body
Certification Council Governing Body
Lamaze Institute for Safe and Healthy Birth
Conference Committee
Membership Committee
Approved Provider Unit (ANCC)
International Development Task Force
Journal of Perinatal Education Editorial Board
Executive Director and Staff
Role Description: Board of Directors
Makes Decisions/Approves
- Strategic plan and vision statement
- Annual budget
- Executive director/management
- Board policies
- Date and location of Lamaze International annual conferences
- Membership categories and dues
- New or retiring programs or services, including fundraising initiatives and activities
- Trademark and licensing activities
- General Counsel
- Auditor
- Investment manager
- Sets policy on transfers from operating to investment fund, and from short term to long term investment fund
- Definition of relationship with strategic alliances and endorsements
- Committee/task force establishment
- Appoints Emeritus Director(s)
Makes Recommendations
- Bylaws (Membership)
- Mission and philosophy of birth (Membership)
Provides Input
- Policies related to Accreditation, Education and Certification Councils
- Financial performance and trends
- Status of strategic plan
- Member, industry needs
- Lamaze programs and services
- Association industry trends
- Maternal/child health and perinatal education industry trends
- Relationships with regional, state, and local maternal/child health associations
- Performance of all contracted services (i.e. management, legal)
- Performance of Board members
- Performance of Executive Director
- Performance of General Counsel
Role Description: Board Liaison to Committees and Councils
The Lamaze Board of Directors, in carrying out its policy and program responsibilities effectively, must maintain strong and active interaction and communication with committees and other groups within the organization. Board liaisons are assigned to facilitate this commitment.
Makes Decisions/Approves
Makes Recommendations
- On behalf of committees/council (Board)
Provides Input
- Committee/council activities, budget, work plans and reports
- Advise, support issue resolution to advance success
- Committee/council relations with the Board
- Progress on strategic priorities
- Future volunteer leadership potential
Role Description: Executive Committee
The Bylaws of Lamaze International authorizes the Executive Committee to act on behalf of the Board of Directors when the Board of Directors is not in session. The Executive Committee usually is restricted in its scope to act only to the extent that it knows how the Board of Directors would act on any given topic. If the Executive Committee does not know how the Board would act or if it is unsure, then the matter under consideration would be deferred to the Board of Directors. In unusual cases, usually due to the time constraints, the Executive Committee may act on a matter when the Board’s position is not clear.
Makes Decisions/Approves
- Annual awards selection with input on nominations from the Membership, Board and Conference Committee
- Whistleblower Policy and Conflict of Interest Policy compliance
Makes Recommendations
- Annual Budget/Plan of Work (Board of Directors)
- Management company and General Counsel contracts (Board of Directors)
Provides Input
- Counsel to Executive Director on management of association
- Alliances with other organizations
- Board of Director’s positions on issues
- Execution of Annual Budget/Plan of Work
- Execution of Strategic Plan
- Performance of Executive Director
- Performance of General Counsel
Role Description: President
Makes Decisions
- Appoints council/committee chairs in collaboration with the Executive Committee and the Executive Director
- Acts as a spokesperson for the organization consistent with established positions and policies of the organization
- Other decisions as authorized by the board with input from the Executive Director
Makes Recommendations
- Annual Budget/Plan of work (Board of Directors)
- Management company and General Counsel contracts (Board of Directors)
Provides Input
- Counsel to Executive Director
- Alliances with other organizations
- Board of Director’s positions on issues
- Execution of Annual Budget/Plan of Work
- Execution of Strategic Plan
- Committees and task forces work in line with the strategic plan
- Performance of Executive Director
- Performance of General Counsel
Role Description: Finance Committee
Makes Decisions
Makes Recommendations
- Annual budget, including management fees and staff time budgets (Board of Directors)
- Budget amendments (Board of Directors)
- Selection of financial audit firm (Board of Directors)
- Financial policies including investment policy (Board of Directors)
- Investment manager selection (Board of Directors)
- Transfers from the operating to the investment fund in accordance with policy guidance (Board of Directors)
- Transfers from the short term to the long term investment fund in accordance with policy guidance (Board of Directors)
Provides Input
- Financial management and reporting
- Investment strategies, objectives and policy
- Financial benchmarks
- Monthly financial performance and reports
- Association income and expense benchmarks
- Investment performance
- Investment instruments and strategies
- US and global economic and market activity
Role Description: Search Committee
Makes Decisions
- Candidates qualified to run for elected positions
Makes Recommendations
- Search process and policy (Board of Directors)
- Slate of qualified candidates for the Board of Directors slate (Board of Directors)
- In collaboration with the Board of Directors, prepares a slate of candidates for elected positions (Members)
- Candidates for other key council/committee chair positions (President)
Provides Input
- Selection of Candidates
- Skills and leadership qualities required for board service
- Leadership potential of Lamaze members
- Volunteer utilization and support needs for committee/council work
Role Description: Accreditation Council Governing Body
Makes Decisions
- For accreditation of Lamaze Childbirth Educator Program set standards, guidelines, policy and program activities, consistent with policies, budgetary and fiscal considerations established by the Board of Directors, and the philosophy, mission and goals of Lamaze International
- Council chair makes governing body/committee chair appointments
- Conduct of Accreditation Council meetings
Makes Recommendations
- Accreditation program budget (Board)
- Selection and evaluation of the Council’s chief staff position (Executive Director)
Provides Input
- Policies related to board, education and certification matters
- Strategic plan
- New or retiring program or service initiatives
- Product and service marketing, pricing
- Accreditation program administration
- ANCC Approved Provider Unit
- International Development Task Force
- Program Directors and Trainers communications
- Education and Accreditation Council communications
- Perinatal education trends both consumer and professional
Role Description: Education Council Governing Body
Makes Decisions
- Standards, guidelines, policy and program activities for providing high quality, evidence-based training and continuing education for aspiring and current Lamaze certified educators, health care professionals and parent education, consistent with policies, budgetary and fiscal considerations established by the Board of Directors, and the philosophy, mission and goals of Lamaze International
- Council chair makes governing body/committee chair appointments
- Conduct of Education Council meetings
Makes Recommendations
- Education program budget (Board)
- Selection and evaluation of the Council’s chief staff position (Executive Director)
Provides Input
- Policies related to board, accreditation and certification matters
- Strategic plan
- New or retiring program or service initiatives
- Product and service marketing, pricing
- Education program administration
- ANCC Approved Provider Unit
- International Development Task Force
- Program Directors and Trainers communications
- Accreditation and Certification Council communications
- Perinatal education trends both consumer and professional
Role Description: Certification Council Governing Body
Makes Decisions
- Standards, guidelines, and policy for the certification of Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educators; all policy decisions relating to certification matters are the sole decision of the Council and not subject to approval by any other body.
- Certification examination development, administration and fees
- Candidate eligibility and cut-off scores
- Dissemination of certification information to candidates and LCCE educators
- Contractual arrangements for exam administration
- Appeals based on due process
- Council chair makes governing body/committee chair appointments
- Conduct of Certification Council meetings
Makes Recommendations
- Certification budget (Board)
- Selection and evaluation of the Council’s chief staff position (Executive Director)
Provides Input
- Policies related to board, accreditation and education matters
- Strategic plan
- ANCC Approved Provider Unit
- New or retiring program or service initiatives
- Product and service marketing, pricing
- Exam administration
- Program Directors and Trainers communications
- Accreditation and Education Council communications
- Exam Development Committee
- Recertification
- Certification Research
- Perinatal education and certification trends
Role Description: Lamaze Institute for Safe and Healthy Birth
Makes Decisions
- Collaboration, research and advocacy activities within approved public awareness and social marketing plans
Makes Recommendations
- Public awareness and social marketing initiatives and related budget (Board of Directors)
- Lamaze Institute for Safe and Healthy Birth policies (Board of Directors)
- Content and delivery of consumer education programs (Education Council)
Provides Input
- Research and evidenced-based information to be published via Lamaze publications and communications
- Collaborative efforts with sister organizations
- Opportunities for cross linkage with other Lamaze publications/communications
- Media opportunities for dissemination of information related to safe and healthy birth
- Appointment of blog editors (President)
- Lamaze media and social media initiatives
- Maternal/child health and perinatal education industry trends
- Research pertinent to the field of childbirth and perinatal education
Role Description: Conference Committee
Makes Decisions
- Annual Conference educational content and speakers
- Annual Conference theme and objectives
Makes Recommendations
- Dates and locations for Annual Conference (Board of Directors)
- Conference related policies (Board of Directors)
Provides Input
- Conference schedule and events
- Conference abstract management process
- Conference design and promotion plan
- Conference exhibitor product promotion/sponsorship plans
- Conference registration pricing
- Conference evaluations
- Awards nominations
- Association trends
- Conference and exhibit trends
- Maternal/child health and perinatal education industry trends
Role Description: Membership Committee
Makes Decisions
- Membership outreach efforts
- Membership survey content
Makes Recommendations
- Membership benefits/programs and related budget (Board of Directors)
- Membership policies (Board of Directors)
Provides Input
- Development of new products and services
- Dues and membership categories/requirements
- Membership recruitment and retention programs
- Web site developments and features
- Member/non-member pricing of products and services
- Membership satisfaction
- Membership reports and trends
- Needs of membership
- Maternal/child health and perinatal education industry trends
Role Description: ANCC Approved Provider Unit
Makes Decisions
- Approved provider application process to maintain status as a provider of nursing contact hours through American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) and the California Bureau of Registered Nursing (CBRN) and other providerships, such as with the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBCLE) for Continuing Education Recognition Points (CERPs)
- Contact hours awarded to Lamaze professional education and continuing education programs for Lamaze, nursing and IBLCE contact hours (i.e. conference, workshops, Webinars, home studies, etc.)
- Contact hour application review for continuing education credit from organizations seeking contact hour approval from Lamaze International (i.e. Lamaze-Accredited Childbirth Educator Programs and other organizations)
- Ensures educational marketing materials are in compliance with ANCC criteria
Makes Recommendations
- Related to maintaining continuing education program accreditation standards (ANCC, CBRN, IBCLE) and associated budget (Education Council)
- Continuing education accreditation policies (Education Council)
Provides Input
- Lamaze-sponsored continuing education programs to be approved by other appropriate organizations to expand the reach of these offerings
- Continuing education program development
- Approved provider status deadlines and application processes
- Lamaze continuing education program evaluations
- Trends in continuing education and accreditation
- Trends in curriculum development and adult learning
Role Description: International Development Task Force
Makes Decisions
- International mini-grant/ scholarship award recipients, as supported with budget funds from year to year
Makes Recommendations
- Strategies to promote international development (Board of Directors)
Provides Input
- Accreditation, education and certification programs and policies related to international development
- Growth of international LCCE educators
- International education and certification trends
Role Description: Journal of Perinatal Education Editor-in-Chief
Makes Decisions
- Editorial content consistent with the vision of the Journal, adopted by the Board of Directors
- Manuscript acceptance, reviews and revisions
- Appoints associate editor(s) and columnists
Makes Recommendations
- Journal editorial policy (Board of Directors)
- Journal editor appointment (President with Board consultation)
- Continuing education content (ANCC Approved Provider Unit)
Provides Input
- Editorial issues and review of manuscripts as requested
- Quality and effectiveness of the Journal to maintain it as a quality reference source
- Design and promotion plan for the Journal
- Journal pricing
- Journal publisher
- Maternal/child health and perinatal education industry trends
- Research pertinent to the field of childbirth and perinatal education
- Peer-reviewed journal publishing trends
Role Description: Executive Director
Makes Decisions
- Management and operations
- Employs, directs, evaluates staff and independent contractors
- Whistleblower Policy and Conflict of Interest Policy compliance management
- Other decisions as authorized by the Board of Directors and in accordance with policy guidance
Makes Recommendations
- Agendas for board and council meetings (in collaboration with President and Council Chairs)
- Task force and project advisory teams with specific charge and timeframe (Board of Directors)
- Legal counsel and auditors (Board of Directors)
- Membership structures and dues (Board of Directors)
- Annual budget, including pricing (Board of Directors)
- Financial impact of proposed initiatives (Board/Council)
- Trademark and licensing activities (Board of Directors)
- Dates and locations for Annual Conference following recommendation of Conference Committee (Board of Directors)
- Other recommendations as requested by the Board of Directors
Provides Input
- Policies
- Strategic plan and budget/annual plan of work
- Committee/task force formations and members
- Volunteer recruitment, training, performance, evaluation and recognition
- Financial performance and trends
- Status of strategic plan
- Alignment of council/committee work with strategic plan
- Member needs and association trends
- Maternal/child health and perinatal education industry trends
- Conference and exhibit trends
- Products, programs and services
Lamaze International has relationships with several sister organizations, which have asked to have official representatives appointed as liaisons with the Lamaze International and its Board of Directors. This policy outlines the purpose, term, responsibilities and compensation for these appointed liaisons.
Coalition for Improving Maternity Services
Lamaze International will appoint a representative to serve as the Lamaze International/CIMS Liaison at the annual CIMS meeting.
The CIMS Liaison appointment is for a two-year term, appointed by the President.
The CIMS Liaison is responsible for attending the CIMS annual meeting and producing a written CIMS report to be distributed to the Board of Directors in a timely manner after the meeting.
Expense Reimbursement
The CIMS Liaison will be reimbursed for travel expenses to attend CIMS meetings consistent with the Lamaze International Travel Reimbursement Policy, and within the allocated budget.
United States Breastfeeding Committee
Lamaze International will appoint two representatives (one delegate and one alternate delegate as expected of the United States Breastfeeding Committee’s member organizations) to serve as Lamaze International’s representatives at the United States Breastfeeding Committee meetings, which occur two times a year.
The United States Breastfeeding Committee Liaison appointments are for two-year terms. The delegate shall be the Coordinator of the Breastfeeding Curriculum, and the alternate shall be appointed by the President.
The United States Breastfeeding Committee Liaison is responsible for attending the United States Breastfeeding Committee meetings and producing a written United States Breastfeeding Committee report to be distributed to the Board of Directors in a timely manner after the meetings.
Expense Reimbursement
The United States Breastfeeding Committee Liaison will be reimbursed for travel expenses to attend the annual United States Breastfeeding Committee meeting consistent with the Lamaze International Travel Reimbursement Policy, and within the allocated budget.
Joint Commission (JCAHO)
Lamaze International will appoint one representative to serve as a representative to the Joint Commission Liaison Network.
The Joint Commission Liaison Network appointment is for a two-year term, appointed by the President.
The Liaison Network ensures that The Joint Commission receives important input when developing its services and products and helps maintain and strengthen the relationships between The Joint Commission and over 230 health care organizations. The intent is to build relationships with organizations in the Network by sharing information about the quality and safety of patient care. An Invitational Liaison Forum is held annually to inform members about the current Joint Commission initiatives and to solicit feedback from participating organizations on the latest trends affecting their organizations. Throughout the year, Liaison Network members receive newsletters, field reviews, and informational materials to keep them up to date.
Expense Reimbursement
The Liaison Network representative will be reimbursed for travel expenses to attend the annual Invitational Liaison Forum consistent with the Lamaze International Travel Reimbursement Policy, and within the allocated budget.
National Quality Forum (NQF)
Lamaze International will appoint one representative to serve as a representative to the National Quality Forum.
The NQF representative appointment is for a two-year term, appointed by the President.
The National Quality Forum (NQF) is a not-for-profit membership organization created to develop and implement a national strategy for health care quality measurement and reporting. The Lamaze representative is responsible for monitoring NQF activities and coordinating a response to developing and endorsing voluntary consensus standards, including performance measures, measurement frameworks, preferred practices, or reporting guidelines.
Expense Reimbursement
The NQF representative will be reimbursed for travel expenses to attend the annual National Quality Forum meeting consistent with the Lamaze International Travel Reimbursement Policy, and within the allocated budget.
Other Board Liaisons
When other such liaison positions are requested of Lamaze International, the request will be forwarded to the board for approval, along with the estimated financial impact, and the President will make the appointment considering the expertise required by the position.
Approved: August 2002
Revised: September 2008
Lamaze International highly values the volunteers who support the work of the organization by sharing their time, talent and resources. People who volunteer together have an impact on each other’s performance, productivity, and personal satisfaction in their volunteer experiences. In addition, how our volunteers interact with our stakeholders and the community-at-large will influence whether those relationships are successful for Lamaze International. Overall, volunteers are expected to treat all parties affiliated with Lamaze International with dignity and respect, including (but not limited to) other volunteers, employees, and program participants. These policies have been adopted to clarify our expectations for Council and Committee members, and other volunteers. Similar requirements will be included in the contracts governing the management company, and other consultants and contractors.
Volunteers agree to adhere to and be bound by the following commitments to promote efficiency, respect, and good governance:
A. Volunteers will be familiar with the Lamaze mission and goals and the roles and responsibilities of their position, and will abide by all Lamaze policies.
B. Volunteers will be thorough and diligent in reviewing the underlying facts and issues for each recommendation or decision they are called upon to make. Volunteers will review materials in preparation for meetings, and between meetings will engage in timely communication, generally within three (3) business days when not on vacation/travel. Volunteers will be respectful in electronic communications and will follow standards established for e-mail etiquette to enhance the overall effectiveness of the organization.
C. Volunteers will be respectful of the points of view of fellow volunteers and professional staff, which differ from their own. Volunteers will bring concerns forward in a constructive manner and are committed to a direct and honest approach to resolving conflict.
D. Volunteers will support a strong partnership between volunteer leaders and staff based upon common expectations, trust, collaborative planning, joint evaluation, regular communication and mutual respect. If a volunteer identifies a performance or process issue that needs improvement, he/she will share their concerns in a productive manner (e.g., give timely, accurate details about the behavior or process that needs improvement to the appropriate supervisor). Volunteers will not discuss what occurred with others who are not in a position to resolve the issues, and will not continue to discuss past occurrences unless the performance has not improved.
Approved: April 2016
Lamaze International is a nonprofit corporation and tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3). For these reasons, many details about Lamaze International’s operations will become public information through filings with governmental agencies. It is the policy of Lamaze International that information reported in these filings is to be kept confidential until the time it is reported. In addition, any other non-public information about Lamaze International’s operations is to be kept confidential. The requirement to maintain confidentiality applies during and after service with Lamaze International.
“Confidential information” includes information about the development and administration of the Lamaze International examination, including (but not limited to) examination questions and answers, scoring standards, and candidate scores. The obligation to keep examination information confidential is permanent; information shall not be disclosed at any time.
“Confidential information” also includes (but is not limited to):
- details of Board of Directors and committee discussions;
- addresses, phone numbers, and other non-public information relating to employees, the Board of Directors, committees, and other volunteers;
- information about program participants;
- information about candidates and certificants;
- information received by Lamaze International from third parties under an obligation of confidentiality;
- information about Lamaze International’s contractual relationships with vendors and other third parties;
- information about donors; and
- matters designated confidential by the Board of Directors or the CEO.
Each volunteer shall protect confidential information from disclosure and maintain it in strict confidence. Each volunteer shall not use confidential information about Lamaze International for any purpose other than to carry out his/her volunteer responsibilities. A volunteer may discuss confidential information only with other Lamaze International volunteers, contractors, and staff who have a need to know the information. Communications with outside parties should be limited to public information about Lamaze International programs and activities or other publicly available information pertaining to Lamaze International’s industry in general.
Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the security of all Lamaze International property, materials, and confidential information (both print and electronic) entrusted to them. Volunteers shall keep examination materials under secure conditions. Volunteers are permitted to access and use the property and files of Lamaze International only for the purpose of carrying out their volunteer duties. Use of Lamaze International’s property and files for outside employment, personal use, political activity, or any other purpose is not permitted. At the end of volunteer service, or at any other time at the request of the CEO, volunteers must return all Lamaze International property, materials, and information that is in their possession. Volunteers are not permitted to retain copies in their personal files.
Approved: April 2016
Per section 4.3 of the Bylaws, the Voting and Election Policy, as adopted and amended by the Board of Directors, shall govern the selection of Directors, Officers, and Committee/Council members as well as procedures for voting by and for Directors, Officers, Committee/Council Members, and Members of Lamaze International.
Board of Directors Voting and Election Policy
Voting and Election of At-Large Directors
At-large directors shall be elected by members during the voting period to be conducted electronically each year in the Fall.
Nomination for At-Large Directors
The Search Committee conducts an annual call for at-large directors. The number of vacancies on the board will be communicated along with all relevant eligibility information, and timelines.
Current Lamaze members in good standing, and individuals who identify as parent advocates/consumers may be nominated or self-nominated and apply for the at-large director.
At-Large Director Application Process
Lamaze expects all interested candidates for the at-large director to review the association’s governing documents (e.g., Bylaws), consult with the incumbent officeholder, and become familiar with the activities of the association before declaring their intent to pursue candidacy.
Interested candidates are required to submit a completed application with all required documentation and materials by the published deadline. The application includes the candidate’s CV/resume, letter of intent, bio, headshot, responses to key questions, headshot, and conflict of interest forms.
The Search Committee, in collaboration with staff, will review applications and verify eligibility for all candidates. The Search Committee vetting process ensures that all candidates.
- understand the fiduciary duties of board service.
- have demonstrated experience and interest in serving as a leader of the organization,
- have disclosed potential conflicts of interest.
Search committees have the authority to conduct individual interviews with candidates. Interviews provide candidates with information on roles and responsibilities of board service as well as offer the opportunity to learn of candidates’ leadership experience and interest in serving.
The Search committee will prepare a slate of candidates for board review and approval based on eligibility and committee recommendation. The slate of candidates will be presented to the board and will be approved by the board.
In collaboration with the Executive Director, search committee members will notify eligible and ineligible candidates.
Petition Procedures
Candidates not included on the ballot may petition the board of directors by obtaining no less than 50 signatures and submitting these signatures within 15 days of notification of ineligibility.
Signatures submitted will be validated by staff to confirm they are current Lamaze members.
The petition shall also include a statement of interest. The Search Committee shall review all qualified petitions and prepare a report for the Board of Directors confirming the eligibility of the petitioner (s).
Upon board approval of the slate, information about the candidates will be made available to the membership.
Candidates may withdraw their candidacy up to one week before the election.
Absence of candidates
If there are no candidates, per section, per Section 4.5 of the Bylaws: At-Large Director seats shall be filled by nomination by the President and approval of the Board of Directors. A Director selected to fill a vacancy in an unexpired term serves for the unexpired term of his/her predecessor in office.
Process for Voting
The slate of candidates shall be made available for membership consideration no less than 14 days before the start of the election period.
The slate may include the same number of candidates for each open vacancy or may exceed the number of open vacancies.
Current members are eligible to vote during the election period which shall be open for a minimum of 15 days but no more than 30 days. Email notifications and reminders of the election period will be disseminated.
Tallying of Votes
At the close of the election period, the board-designated election officer will review the results and count the votes.
Candidates receiving the largest number of votes for the vacancies will be notified and will be declared elected.
In the event of an equal number of candidates for each open seat, members will be asked to approve/ not approve each candidate.
In the event of a tie between two (2) or more people for one at-large board vacancy, selection shall be made by the Board from the persons so tied.
Announcement of Election Results
The Lamaze President will notify all candidates confirming the election results.
A general announcement in Lamaze's official publication will include election results.
At-large directors will commence their term of service on January 2nd of the subsequent year for a three-year term.
Approved September 2023
Lamaze International (the “Corporation”) requires its directors, officers, employees, professional staff, and volunteers, as well as all persons who provide the Corporation with contracted services, (each, a “Protected Person”), to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the performance of their duties on the Corporation’s behalf. As employees and representatives of the Corporation, Protected Persons are expected to practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling their responsibilities and are required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
The objectives of this Whistleblower Policy are to encourage and enable Protected Persons, without fear of retaliation, to raise concerns regarding suspected unethical and/or illegal conduct or practices on a confidential and, if desired, anonymous basis so that the Corporation can address and correct.
Reporting Responsibility
It is the responsibility of all Protected Persons to report in good faith any concerns they may have regarding actual or suspected activities which may be illegal or in violation of the Corporation’s policies with respect to fraud, theft, embezzlement, accounting or auditing irregularities, bribery, kickbacks, and misuse of the Corporation’s assets, as well as any violations or suspected violations of high business and personal ethical standards, as such standards relate to the Corporation (each, a “Concern”), in accordance with this Whistleblower Policy.
No Retaliation
No Protected Person who in good faith reports a Concern shall suffer intimidation, harassment, retaliation, discrimination or adverse employment, or professional consequence because of such report. Any employee, staff member, Director, Officer, or high-level volunteer of the Corporation who retaliates against someone who has reported a Concern in good faith is subject to discipline up to and including termination of their position or employment. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, this Whistleblower Policy is not a contract. Nothing contained herein is intended to provide any Protected Person with any additional rights or causes of action, other than those provided by law.
Reporting Concerns
Any Concerns should be reported as soon as shall be practicable to the Executive Director of the Corporation, (the “Compliance Officer”), or a member of the Executive Committee. Any questions with regard to the scope, interpretation or operation of this Whistleblower Policy should also be directed to the Compliance Officer.
Compliance Officer
The Compliance Officer is responsible for investigating and resolving all reported Concerns and shall advise the Executive Committee of all reported Concerns. The Compliance Officer shall report to the full Board of Directors at each regularly scheduled board meeting on compliance activity.
Accounting and Auditing Matters
The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors shall address all reported Concerns regarding corporate accounting practices, internal controls or auditing (“Accounting Concerns”). The Compliance Officer shall immediately notify the Executive Committee of any Accounting Concern and shall work with the committee until its resolution. Promptly upon receipt, the Executive Committee shall evaluate whether a Concern constitutes an Accounting Concern and, if so, shall promptly determine what professional assistance, if any, it needs in order to conduct an investigation. The Executive Committee will be free in its sole discretion to engage outside auditors, counsel or other experts to assist in the investigation and in the analysis of results.
The Compliance Officer may delegate the responsibility to investigate a reported Concern, whether an Accounting Concern or otherwise, to one or more professional staff members of the Corporation or to any other individual, including persons not employed by the Corporation, selected by the Compliance Officer; provided that the Compliance Officer may not delegate such responsibility to a staff member or other individual who is the subject of the reported Concern or in a manner that would compromise either the identity of an individual who reported the Concern anonymously or the confidentiality of the complaint or resulting investigation. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the scope, manner and parameters of any investigation of a reported Concern shall be determined by the Executive Committee in its sole discretion and the Corporation and its staff and volunteers shall cooperate as necessary in connection with any such investigation.
Acting in Good Faith
Anyone reporting a Concern must act in good faith and have reasonable grounds for believing that the information disclosed may indicate a violation of law and/or ethical standards. Any allegations that prove to have been made maliciously or knowingly to be false will be viewed as a serious disciplinary offense.
The Corporation takes seriously its responsibility to enforce this Whistleblower Policy and therefore encourages any person reporting a Concern to identify him or herself so as to facilitate any resulting investigation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in reporting a Concern, a Protected Person may request that such report be treated in a confidential manner (including that the Corporation take reasonable steps to ensure that the identity of the reporting person remains anonymous). Concerns may also be reported on an anonymous basis. Reports of Concerns will be kept confidential to the extent possible, consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation.
Handling of Reported Concerns
The Compliance Officer will acknowledge receipt of each reported Concern within five (5) business days, but only to the extent the reporting person’s identity is disclosed or a return address is provided. All reports will be promptly investigated; the scope of any such investigation being within the sole discretion of the Executive Committee, and appropriate corrective action will be taken if warranted by the investigation.
The Executive Committee will retain, on a strictly confidential basis, for a period of seven (7) years (or otherwise as required under the Corporation’s record retention policies in effect from time to time) all records relating to any reported Concern and to the investigation and resolution thereof. All such records are confidential to the Corporation and such records will be considered privileged and confidential.
The Corporation shall distribute a copy of this Whistleblower Policy to all Protected Persons.
Compliance Officer Contact Information:
Name: Linda Harmon, Executive Director/CEO
Mailing Address: Lamaze International, 2025 M Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036
Phone Number: 202-367-1244
Email Address: lharmon@lamaze.org
Approved: April 2016