From Giving Birth with Confidence.

- Routine IV use restricts movement, decreases confidence, may over-hydrate you and may contribute to low blood sugar in baby.
- Restricting eating and drinking in labor depletes energy when you need it most.
- The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends offering fluids by mouth and eliminating routine IV use during labor.
- The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) recommends that those with low-risk labors be allowed to drink clear liquids (such as water, non-pulp juice, carbonated drinks, clear tea and black coffee).
You’ll Need IV Fluids If...
- You develop health problems or complications before or during labor.
- You’re at high risk for complications.
- Your labor is induced or sped up with Pitocin.
- You have an epidural.
- You're receiving medication such as antibiotics in labor.
How to Avoid Unnecessary of IV Fluids
- Choose your caregiver and birth site carefully.
- Talk to your caregiver about your desire to eat, drink and avoid unnecessary IV use.
- Confidently eat and drink while you labor at home.
- Labor at home as long as possible.
How to Keep Labor as Safe and Healthy as Possible if You Will Need an IV
- Labor at home as long as possible
- Eat and drink in response to your body’s needs while you’re at home.
- Suck on ice chips, Popsicles or lollipops during labor.
- Walk around with your IV pole.
- Stay as active as possible.
- Remember that you don’t need the IV to have a safe birth and a healthy baby.
- If you need IV fluids only at certain times (such as for medications), have the IV tube disconnected between doses.
- Ask to have the IV placed in your forearm rather than your wrist or near your elbow so that you can still move around easily.